Chapter 44: Final Chapter

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The day was calm, another good day in the office. There were some difficulties with the clients as well as the employees, but nothing too bad. I stayed in the top floor, my floor, dozing off from all the hard work last night. It was a Sunday after all, I could have all the time in the world...if not for my wife.

Maki entered the room carrying something that seemed like a plastic bag. "Jeez, you could have at least cleaned the place, you  know," she said, carrying the bag and placing it on the coffee table.

I pretended to sleep in hopes of her leaving. All I needed was some peace and quiet.

Footsteps neared me, and I could barely see the outline of a person through the squinting of my eyes, hoping to make my 'sleep' more convincing...but she was too smart for that.

She moved her hand down from my cheek onto my chest and tickled my dominant side, I couldn't help but laugh. So to get her back, I grabbed her arm before she could yank it away and pulled her down onto me and got her into an embrace.

"D-Dear!?" Maki called out flustered and hesitantly tried to wrap her arms around me, but that proved to be difficult considering the green sofa below me. "We married a few weeks ago, why can't you come home once in a while?"

I groaned softly and pushed her up, hoping to get eye contact with her. "You know I've been busy with work. I can only come home early when I'm done with meetings and actually doing my job." I pushed her back so that we would both sit facing each other on the sofa. "You know I wouldn't chea-"

"Of course not! It's just- it gets lonely at home, you know?" Maki pressed her head against my chest and wrapped me in a hug. "I need some love at night, too. Not only during the day."

It shook me hearing her say that. I made her pretty sad from all the work I have. I'll be honest, I am pretty upset that I can't be with Maki at night. "Tonight," I said softly, Maki looked up, confused.


"Tonight, I'll come home tonight and we can have some fun then." I caressed her soft, red hair.

Maki grabbed my hand and pressed it on her chest. "Promise?"

Her concerned eyes sparkling in the morning light highlights her cuteness. "I-I mean, if you want to do it right now, I won't min-"

"I-Idiot!" Maki pushed me, "what would you do if someone were to come up here and see us?"

"Hm? Wouldn't that turn you on?" I lifted her chin slightly and smirked.

"Shut up, jerk." Maki giggled, grabbed the plastic bag and pulled out 2 bentos.

She opened them: one of them had only rice and cooked beef slices. The other contained only curry, accompanied by some carrots, potatoes and tiny chunks of chicken.

"Beef tongue curry, huh?" I looked at the food presented to me as if they were my mother's cooking.

"If you don't want them, then just te-"

"I never said that!" I grabbed onto the bento with rice and then grabbed a spoon from Maki's grip. "Thanks for the food!"

I gobbled down one of the beef tongue and rice. After gulping, I realised Maki had been holding her stomach looking at it. Was she hungry?

I put a spoonful of rice, beef and curry a few centimetres away from her mouth, as if about to feed her. She looked at it confused, "I ate earlier before getting here..."

"Th-Then...why are you...holding onto your stomach as if you're hungry?" I stuffed my mouth once again with food.

"Well, who knows? Maybe someone punched me in the stomach earlier? Maybe I'm having a stomachache? Or maybe I'm..."

I turned to her, anticipating her to finish the sentence.



I coughed up the food I chewed onto the floor instantly as soon as she said that.

I didn't know how to feel. Happy? Excited? Scared? It could be anything, but I am sure that that caught me off guard, to the point that I couldn't speak out my thoughts.

Maki looked down, smiled slightly whilst caressing her stomach. I placed the bento onto the table and tackled her, but not so hard as to pin her down; just enough to push her slightly.

"Dear~~!" I rocked her left and right non-stop. "I can't believe it! I-I'm going to be a dad!"

"And I'm gonna be a mom! We're gonna have a child!"

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