Chapter 7: Discoveries

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It's been a few days since μ's latest live, and finally, they're finally showing the teams that would move past the preliminaries...

"The first team is..... A-RISE, no surprise there."

"The second team is East Heart..."

"The third team is..... Midnight cats..."

"Oh no..."

"The fourth team is.... μ's...."


We... We did it!!

"Yes!!! I knew we could pull it off!!"


Huh? Wait, class is still going? What day is this?

"If you want to be loud today then why don't you be loud outside!!" The teacher yelled at me for being loud... this was my first time being loud so why is she so mad?

"Did you hear that? He said "we" after saying μ's won the preliminaries... what do you think that means?" I could overhear one of my classmates spoke to his friend while I was on my way out.

Did I say all that out loud?

(After english class)

I finally get to go back into class...phew all that standing was tiring, and embarrassing.

"Hey (Y/N), you were looking at the Love Live website right?"

"Huh? Wh-What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on, you can't hide it... after all you did announced the teams that would move past the preliminaries.. ahahaha it's like you've changed over the past few days..."

"Days? What are you talking about?"

"Hmm? You seriously didn't notice that you were speaking out loud to your phone over the past few days?"

"I-I was??" I was embarrassed, no wonder the teacher got mad at me.

"Honestly, it was like a new discovery seeing you so desperate on Love Live," he giggled.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Hmm? Ahaha there's no need to apologise, after all... there are times when people get like this...although not like ten days in a row..."

I blushed a bright red at how embarrassing that was.

After that, I got teased by my classmates a lot... but they weren't severe teasing, more like friendly teasing.

(After school at Otonokizaka High rooftop)

"The final round of preliminaries is in December." Eli spoke, "That's where they'll decide on the one team that moves on to Love Live."

"If we win that, we'll finally be at Love Live." Nozomi continued Eli's sentence.

"But then we have to win against A-RISE..." Hanayo implied.

"There's no use worrying about that now." Honoka tried to cheer her up, "Let's just give it our all!"

"Precisely." Umi said, "That's why I would like to start our morning practice an hour earlier, starting from next week..."

Whaat? Can I even wake up that early?

"I wonder if I'll be able to wake up in time..." Rin wondered out loud.

[Love Live!] Nishikino Maki x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now