Chapter 20: A New Beginning

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Hey there! My name is (L/N)...(L/N) (Y/N). I am 20 years old (same age as Maki). Hmm well that's all I guess, if you have questions about me or my story, just ask Katakilu.

It's been 5 years since μ's disbanded, Maki and I have been dating for that long too. Right now, I'm in the University of Cambridge taking mechanical, electrical and computer engineering, Maki on the other hand is in the same university but is studying medicine.


I gasped as if the air was being sucked out of my lungs, and opened my eyes.

I see Maki, she seemed worried.

"Maki-chan, what's wrong?" I wiped off a tear by her cheek.

"We're late, you know that right?"

Huh? Late?

"Late? What are you talking about?"

I got off of Maki's thighs and looked at my watch, the hands are indicating that it's already pass 7pm, which is the time where us students have to return to our respecting dorms.

"Oh shit! Why didn't you wake me up sooner, Maki-chan!?"

"W-Well, y-you just looked so cute sleeping on my lap..."

"Jeez, you can see me look like that every Saturday, you know..." I put on my jacket.

"Yeah, but this is different from the other times..."

"Whatever, come on, we're gonna get detention if they find out that we're not in our dorms yet." I snarled at her.

As we were walking down the corridor Maki quickly walked beside me and asked, "Are you mad at me, (Y/N)-chan?"

I looked at her, "No, of course that what you've been thinking this whole time?"

"Well, yeah..."

I stopped suddenly and looked at Maki stopped just by me, "Maki-chan, we've been dating for 5 years now, why do you think this would make me feel mad at you?"

"Well, I mean...we could get detention, and you don't want that, right?"

I slowly walked up to her, pinned her against the wall and whispered to her right ear, "I won't really mind getting in detention if it's with you."

"T-Then why do you look mad?" Maki whispered back.

"Why don't you think for a minute? You're dad trusted me to take care of you, and if he finds out that you got into detention once, what do you think will happen?"

"Well, why don't we keep it a secret?"

I got my hands off of the wall, "Well, for now...let's get to our dorms safely."


"Hmm? You're red Maki-chan~"

"Sh-Shut up, you made me like this, you're at fault here."

After that we got to our dorms without getting caught.

(The next day after classes)

Maki and I are sitting on a bench to study...

"Hey, Maki-chan."


"Have you made some friends yet?"

"Huh!? Where is this coming from?!"

"Well, it's been 3 months since we started university and I was wondering if you've made at least one friend."

"O-Of course I have!" she snarled at me.


"W-What? You think I'm lying?"

"Well, as long as I get to hang out with you a lot~"

Maki turned red, I touched her hair.

"You know how I am, so you can't possibly think I'm telling you to the truth, right?"

"Well, I guess that would make us get to hang out more, right~?"

"Wh-What about you? Have you befriended anyone?"

"Well, there is one girl in my mechanical engineering class~. Of course there are some guys from my other courses..."

"One girl?"

Maki seemed frustrated.

"Yeah, we're not like that though, so you, my dear princess, don't have to worry~"

"Wh- how my times do you have to call me that?"

"What? I like it~"

"Well, wh- what would you think if I called you 'my prince'?"

"I would like to hear you say that first~"

"Alright! (Y/N)-chan, you're my p-"


"M-My p-pr-"

"Come on~ we don't have all day, you know~"

"Y-You're right! Lets continue with our studies!"

-sigh- Alright, we'll continue this at a later date.

So we continued to study our respecting courses.

Thus begins our new journey/adventure/lifestyle/story for this work.

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