Chapter 23: Valentine's Day

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Hey guys, this chapter we'll be focusing more on Maki's mind, as this is kind of like a special chapter because it takes place after the time in chapter 21. Anyway, lets begin!

"Ugh, why is this so hard!?" I threw away the disgusting stuff off the tray to prepare it for the next batch.

(3 hours later)

"Alright, let's try this new one..."

I licked the food off my finger for a taste test, "Oh! This- this is...perfect!" After so many trial and errors, I've finally got it!

(Later that night)

Okay, so tomorrow's Valentine's Day, I'll just go to his class in the morning before class starts and give it to him then, because if not, then I won't be satisfied.

I feel hot, this's the same feeling I get whenever I'm around him, that's right, he's the only person who can make me feel this way...(Y/N)-chan...

I huddled into my blanket as I thought of him, slowly drifting off to sleep.

(The next day)

"I woke up too early." I murmured to myself.

So I decided to just wait at (Y/N)-chan's seatsince he'll be here anyway.

"Hey, there! You new hear?" some guy came up to me and asked me that question.

I looked and ignored him as the reason I'm here is not to talk to others, but wait for (Y/N)-chan to arrive. What's taking him so long anyway?

"Hey." the guy got desperate and held my right shoulder pushing me, forcing me to face him, "you ignoring me?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Don't you know it's rude to do so?" he annoyingly continued.

"Why are you even talking to me, anyway?"

"Huh? Do I really need a reason for that? Well, since you're hot, I guess I'll tell you. I'm trying to hit on you, sweetcheeks."

"Sweetcheeks? Even he doesn't call me that, who gave you permission to call me that?" I looked at him with anger in my mind as he called me a name even (Y/N)-chan wouldn't call me.

I guess I was just upset at the time because (Y/N)-chan never called me other than my name.

"Huh? No one? I don't need permission to call you that, just felt like it, you know?"

Ugh, why am I even talking with this person? This is stupid.

"You just feel like calling me that? Well I feel like you're being extremely annoying right now!" I yelled at him.

From then on, this argument continues for a solid ten minutes and people gathered around us, thinking that we're a couple fighting...on Valentine's Day.

But then, I felt something, a shock. And instantly, from that shock, I knew that (Y/N)-chan just entered the room.

"What's wrong? Got nothing else to say?!" the guy continued.

"Maki-chan, what are you doing here?" with his voice, my bad-tempered self was lifted, as if all anger was removed from my body.

With a soft voice, I called, "(Y/N)-chan!" I rushed to hug him.

"M-Maki-chan!? W-What are you doing?" he held my back as if it was a hug, and pushed me inches away from him.

"Well, I was patiently waiting for you at your seat and this asshole came flirting with me!" I pointed at the man.

"Jacob? Were you arguing with her?" (Y/N)-chan asked the guy.

"Yeah, for some reason she's got a problem with me." Jacob cracked his knuckles.

"Yeah, because you were flirting with me!" I shouted.

"Well, I didn't know you had a guy! Plus, you were sitting in my seat!!" Jacob yelled back.

"W- (Y/N)-chan, say something!" I demanded.

"Huh!? Wh-What am I supposed to say here?" (Y/N)-chan asked, "Umm, I guess back off?"

"You're backing her side??" Jacob asked. I gave him a mean glare.

"Well I don't really know what to say in these situations..." (Y/N)-chan did a habit of his when his anxiety got the best of him.

"Anyway, aren't you suppose to be in class, Maki-chan?" (Y/N)-chan asked.

"Oh, well I wanted to give you this, you know since today is Valentine's Day..." I showed him the special chocolate I made for him, it is boxed like a present.

"Valentine's Day...? Oh so that's why Jacob looks nicer today, huh?" (Y/N)-chan looked at the mentioned person.

I felt the cake being taken from my hand and when I turned to look at it and (Y/N)-chan's face got so close that our lips almost touched. "Thank you, Maki-chan."

I instantly backed away trying to avoid a kiss as we're still in front of so many people.

"Do you want me to taste it now?" (Y/N)-chan asked.

I nodded, instinctively.

(Y/N)-chan took a bite from the chocolate cake I so desperately baked last night.

"Hmm...well I can definitely tell that you've put so much dedication into making this. Also, can you guys not look this way, it's kinda embarrassing."

I looked around me and there was a circle of people surrounding us, and out of shock, not embarrassment, I flushed, "Huh? What are yo-"

(Y/N)-chan stuffed some of the cake into my mouth, and instead of coughing it out, I chewed and swallowed.

It was crunchy, sweet and dry.

"Why is it crunchy...?" I asked (Y/N)-chan.

"It is crunchy because there're bits of egg shells in it." (Y/N)-chan explained.

"Egg shells...? Wait, but you said that it tasted good...!" I said once everyone around us cleared up.

"Yeah, it is delicious...but cakes, specifically chocolate cakes shouldn't be crunchy or dry."

"Oh come on, at least give her the pros of the cake, you jerk," Jacob said.

"Hmm...the pros, huh. Well you definitely got the consistency of the cake right, and it's also creamy, which is good too."

I looked down in disappointment on my failure as a cook. Then I felt (Y/N)-chan's hand patting my head.

"Don't worry about it, the important thing is your determination to do this for me, right?"


"Also, this is the best cake I've ever eaten, despite the pros and cons of it," he said.

"How so?" I asked.

He gave me a big smile, "Today I woke up late, so I didn't have breakfast back in the dorm, and the fact that this is the first time you've entered my class...and let's not forget that this is the first cake you've made for me❤"

With that big smile, and his palm rubbing against my head, it just feels like I'm a puppy who's got his tummy rubbed.

After that I left (Y/N)-chan's classroom a happy girl, grinning all the time during my class, and continued the day normally.

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