Chapter 33: Date with three girls - part 1

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Last night Maki called some friends so we could hang out the following day. I ended up sleeping on a futon whilst Maki slept on my bed, not that I'm complaining. I mean if my parents found out that I sleep with my girlfriend then it would cause some misunderstanding.

The following day I woke up and couldn't see Maki anywhere, when I called her she told me that she went back home to her parents to dress up. I breathed a relieved sigh and went to take a shower, then I dressed up. I wore a white short-sleeved polo shirt, jeans that aren't too tight nor too loose, a pair of white adidas sneakers. 

After wearing my watch, put on my cap and placed my wallet (which had over USD$500 in yen), I walked out of the house to the meeting place Maki and I agreed upon.

When I got there, nobody was around, not a single person. Just as I turned to go sit at the bench after waiting ten minutes for company, a familiar voice called out to me. "Good morning, (Y/N)-chan!"

My eyes widened as I turned to face the voicer, her golden brown hair was nostalgic, her pinkish-purple eyes glittered in the Sun and I ran towards her giving her a bear hug. "It's been a while, Hanayo-chan!"

It took her a few seconds to catch her thought, but eventually wrapped her arms around me. "It has, hasn't it? Have you been well?"

I let go of her and she let loose too, "Yeah, are you still obsessed with idols? Oh, speaking of which. How did the interview go?"

"Uhh, I guess you could say that I'm still obsessed over idols, though overtime I'm kind of losing interest. The interview went great, I got accepted!"

Though the 'interview' took place a year ago, I didn't get to congratulate her, so "Congrats!"

Hanayo nodded, "Thanks!"

"Wait, if you were accepted, aren't you supposed to be busy with a new song right now?"

"Well, yeah but yesterday Maki-chan suddenly called and I had no choice but to accept the offer. After all, it's been over a year since we last hung out!"

"So you made time just to hang out?"

"Yeah, is there a problem with it?"

"No, not at all. I actually think it's pretty precious."


"Yeah, you know? Cute."

"Am I interrupting something?" Another familiar voice, spoken from behind Hanayo. Her hair was bright orange, a little longer than how it should over a year ago. Her pale yellow eyes were cute, a little too cute if you asked me.

"It's been a long time, Rin-chan. And no, you're not interrupting anything." I chuckled.

"G-Good morning, (Y/N)-chan!" We high-fived each other with both hands instead of a simple handshake.

I quickly wrapped my arms around her giving her the same torture I gave Hanayo, and quickly, she wrapped her arms around me as well.

We both let go of each other, "It's great to see you guys after a while!"

"We feel the same way for you too, (Y/N)-chan." Both Rin and Hanayo said.

"Anyways, where's Maki-chan?" Hanayo asked feeling worried.

"I don't know, she's probably late again," I said.

"You don't seem to care about this (Y/N)-chan, did something happen between you and Maki?" Rin asked feeling worried as well.

"What? No! It's just Maki's always late for some reason, honestly I got used to it at some point..." I sighed.

"Is that really what you say about the person who tried her best for you?" Maki's voice could be heard as if she listened the whole thing I just said.

I turned to face Maki who was wearing clothes that definitely look best on and only her, I felt my face burning.

"M-Maki-chan! How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to know that you talk behind my back!" Maki crossed her arms, "Hmph!" She closed her eyes and faced sideways, well away from me I presume.

"Maki-chan, those clothes look good on you." Rin said, her cat-like persona died off sometime after finishing the first year at Otonokizaka High. I can't blame her, that persona would be really annoying for an appointment or an interview...though I kind of feel like listening to it just one more time.

"Really? Mama picked out my clothes earlier, she said something about impressing boys or whatever."

I blushed thinking that her mother would go through the trouble of picking out her daughter's clothes just to try and impress me.

"Your mother is very doting after all." Hanayo blurted.

Maki glared at me with evil-intentioned eyes, as if looking for an answer from me. I nodded, "Yeah, it looks great on you."

I grabbed her shoulder and shifted my body forwards so that I could whisper in her ear despite being useless as I intentionally talked loud enough for the others to hear, "Though going through the trouble and being late are two different things."

I shifted back to straighten my body and walked past her, "Now, let's get some breakfast shall we? I didn't grab anything from m-"

"I only did it so that I could surprise you, you know..." Maki gripped on her aqua skirt.

I stared back at her who was facing at my direction, "Surprise me?"

"Yeah, you know...kind of like payback for all the birthday surprises you had for me."

I chuckled and walk towards her, past Hanayo and Rin. With both hands on her shoulder, I made her look me in the eyes. "If you want to surprise me," I move closer so I could whisper in her ear, "then you'll have to do something completely unexpected."

"Y-You mean like this?"

Before I could ask 'like what' she came in closer for a kiss.

I was caught completely surprised by this and immediately, as quickly as she kissed me, I backed away, thinking when did she become bold enough for a kiss in public, let alone in front of our friends.

I turned to face Hanayo and Rin who were smirking at us.

"Ahaha! I caught you completely surprised, now come on, let's go get breakfast shall we?" Maki past the completely stunned (Y/N).

Deep down, I knew Maki was embarrassed about that kiss, she'd never done something like that after all.

I gave off a slight laugh and walked beside her as she led the group for breakfast. 

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