Chapter 8: Relationships

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"W-Well then, let us begin our practice." Rin worriedly said.

Hanayo just claps to boost up Rin's confidence.

"That didn't really need applause." Maki spoke sincerely.

Hanayo just smiled calmly, Maki on the other hand needs to calm down with her tsundere attitude.

"Uh, w-well then, first..." Rin continued, "let us begin by stretching. Everyone, please spread out your arms."

We all just looked at her with worried expressions on our faces.

"And after that is done, we shall be practicing our vocalisations..."

"What are you doing?" Nico asked Rin.

"Rin-chan!" Hanayo said.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Who are you trying to imitate?" I asked Rin.

"D-did Rin say something strange?"

"Just because you're our leader now doesn't mean you have to act any differently, right?" Nico told Rin, "Speak normally."

"I-Is that so? Uh, well, then... Let's start our streches~!"

"-Sigh- This isn't the time to be messing around, you know." Maki scolded Rin.

"Hey, Maki....-chan... come with me for a sec," I called for Maki.

We went to a corner where the others couldn't hear us.

"You didn't tell anyone did you?"

"Tell anyone what?"

"About yesterday..."

"About how you know karate?"


"No, I haven't told anyone...why?"



"Thank goodness, you had me worried during my classes"

"Why? What's wrong with knowing karate?"

"No one except my parents and you know that I know karate...and I plan to keep it that way"

"What about the thugs?"

"They can't tell a soul about it 'cause no one's gonna believe them after all"

"You're right, a wimpy-looking guy like you wouldn't really know karate huh?"

"T-That hurt Maki-chan..."

"Ehehe, come on, practice is starting~"

So she hasn't told anyone huh? Good.

(After practice)

We decided to take a short break.

"So uhh, why isn't Umi, Kotori, Honoka, Eli and Nozomi here?" I asked for the second time today.

"Honoka, Umi and Kotori are in Okinawa, Eli and Nozomi are dealing with Student Council business," Maki answered me.

"Student Council, huh? Hmm~"

"What are you dazing off for?"

"N-Nothing! It's just that I think being Student Council is kinda cool..."

"Yeah right!"


Then the others started laughing and Maki and I just laughed together with them.

[Love Live!] Nishikino Maki x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora