Chapter 41: The Wedding

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Author's note: I'm not gonna describe the place or what the characters wear because I'm gonna let the reader imagine it themselves.

Backstory! When I was a kid I always thought that weddings should be simple and easy. Well, reality IS a terrible thing.

Everyone who was a part of the wedding was running around asking questions like 'who has the cake?' and 'where's the rest of the chairs?' Simply put, it was chaos.

"(Y/N), what are still doing here? Get into the changing room!" One of Maki's friends pushed me aside as Frank and Isamu (an employee at my company) passed by placing the guest chairs.

"Huh? But you guys look like you need hel-"

"What are you talking about? Just get into the room." She kept pushing me into the front of the changing room.

Inside the room were three people, one of was male, the others...female (not sure if Maki'll like this)

As the three got to work and, well, undressed me and made me wear a very uncomfortable groom's attire, they kept muttering to each other about how I looked in it. "So how does it feel?" The man finally said.

"Like someone just poured a bucket full of Australian spiders on top of me," I stretched the collar just to keep myself from suffocating.

"That's an image," one of the ladies said.

"Yup," the other agreed.

They kept adjusting things on me until they let me see myself in the human-sized mirror. "Whoa. I look good!"

"More than just good, sir." The man agreed, "how does it feel now?"

"Well," I adjusted the navy blue tie as to not suffocate me, "I guess this is better than the other one. Though it does feel like snakes just slithered around my body, it'll have to do.

"Excellent, sir."

After that we had tea for some reason, I wonder how Maki was doing. Is she comfortable with her clothes? 

Speaking of Maki, I never did talk or see her at all today.

After a while it was already 5.30pm. The door to the changing room opened, someone (I don't recognise) came in and asked, "Is (Y/N) here?"

I stood up and followed her to the wedding area. I have to admit, everyone that helped did a very good job. In one corner were the wedding gifts, and one side of the alter was the wedding cake. I was standing below the arch and there was a lot of people seated.

Then it began, the bridal chorus was played and when I looked at the gigantic door across the aisle, half of me was like I can't do this, I have to run. While the other half of me was expecting to see Maki and her dad walking into the room with a bunch of people behind them.

The door opened and I see a middle-aged man walking side by side arm crossed together with the redhead I'm supposed to marry in her wedding dress. My heart skipped a beat and legs trembled, but I held on. Behind them were a couple of children, some were Eli's kids, some were Umi's and some were Frank's. I smiled and prayed that everything goes well.

After walking 10 yards, Maki was facing me, 30cm away from me. Her face was red and she was smiling like she's been waiting for this.

The priest walked to us and stood between me and Maki, though not blocking our view of each other. He said something, my head was feeling all fuzzy, so I couldn't hear what the priest was saying, but I was able to regain consciousness before he could say the actual important words.

"-do you, (L/N) (Y/N), take Nishikino Maki as your wife?"

The words got stuck in my throat, but I somehow managed to pull through, "Yes, I do."


After the ceremony, Maki and I cut the wedding cake and when Maki and I were finally alone in the balcony, the Sun getting ready to set. The guests were starting to leave and people inside were packing things up.

"So...we're finally married, huh." I grabbed Maki's hand and looked at the Sun.

"Yeah, we're finally married..." Maki repeated.

"Hey, Maki-cha-"

"Dear." Maki interrupted me.

I looked at her, "yes?"

Maki stared me in the eyes, "Oh,, I mean, you should start calling me dear, shouldn't you?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, we're married, isn't that what married couples do?"

"I don't know, is it?"

"You're messing with me, aren't you?" Maki sounded confused.

"I don't know, am I?" I smirked.

"Jeez, you're such a jerk..."

I laughed, "well, let me make up for it." I closed up our distance and we kissed.

After the kiss, people behind us gave a round of applause. Maki and I flushed and we went back inside.

Author's note: Tomorrow (17th September) I will start the third semester of my school, so new chapters will come late. Once a week, maybe twice a week if I have enough time.

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