chapter four

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The studio was quiet and the only thing I could hear was the scraping sound that comes from my pen against the lined paper in my notebook. On days like this, when it's a little sprinkle in Cali and the sun goes away just to come back, I like to write. It rarely rains in Southern California so while everyone else is freaking out about it, I'm just gonna chill in the studio and come up with some more ideas for my album.

Writing music for an album is a big deal, especially when it's for your first album to ever be heard by the world. Plus, my momma and my all of my aunties have set the standard really high. It almost makes me want to hold off the album for another year or so, just so it can be perfection at its best. But, for some reason I just can't write or get in my zone. I don't know what's going on, it's like I'm missing something.

"Yeah aight! I'll see ya'll later!" I hear a familiar voice as it gets closer to the door that belonged to Studio A.

"Hey little girl," I turn my head and shoot a smile at the chocolate woman standing over me with her hand placed on her hip.

"Hey momma." I greet her softly smiling.

"You have my number right?" Momma asks me randomly.

"Uhhh, yeah..." I say clicking the home button to my phone. "Hey siri call My Maker."

"Calling 'My Maker'. " Siri responded back to my order. Within a few seconds momma's phone is ringing.

She declines it and looks at me raising her eyebrows. "Haven't seen that caller ID on my phone in months."

"Weeks." I argue turning back around to my notebook. "I don't wanna argue with you. I'm sick of arguing with people.." Rolling my eyes, I check my phone for any missed messages or calls.

🌈look (2 messages)

Plug (1 message)

"Who have you been arguing with lately?" Momma asked sitting down in her seat. "Is it that new guy you've been posting all week?"

I shake my head. "No.. it's not Omar."

"Omar, that's his name. He's cute." Momma smiled. "Is he any good?"

I chuckle and pick my pen back up. "Yeah, he's a great guy."

"When can I meet him?"

"I don't know, let's not rush it. I don't want him to think that, I'm in a hurry or anything." I state blinking slowly.

"Okay, I'm ready when you are." Momma said with an assuring head nod.

I sigh. "Thanks.. What are your plans for the rest of day?" I ask sparking a new conversation.

"I gotta go pick Titan up from basketball and then wait for Tim to figure out what we're doing for dinner."

"Let's go out!" I offer with a teethy smile on my face. "I haven't had a meal with you guys in forever."

"And whose fault is that?" Momma cocked her eyebrow at me.

"Alright, I haven't called you. I've been busy." I say in defense.

"Busy, alright, keep singing that same song." Momma stood up and grabbed her purse. "Call me and we'll figure out tonight."

"Okay momma. I love you."

"I love you too."

After momma left, I opened the messages from Lauren.

🌈lolo: wyd tonight?

Lauren only messages me when she wants to fuck, smoke, or go out and honestly I'm not in the mood to do either of those options. However, maybe a little party could help my writer's block, since nothing else will. Plus, Omar's been pretty strict about this "No Distractions" policy and it's getting on my nerves. I need to have fun too!

𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang