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Areum typed her password into the computer as she spun on her squeaky chair. The student council room had always been a mess and it was always up to Aruem to clean it up.

" Ok Letters? " Jihyun paced around the room.

" Check." Jungkook called out.

" Food? "

" Check."

" Band? "

" Almost ready."

" Ok, Decorations? "

" And, check."

Aruem sighed once Jihyun ran over her words and repeated the list that Jungkook had just stated a few moments ago. She was good for nothing.

" You seem to be doing nothing like always." The voice called out from the room. Aruen cast a glare once she recognized who it was.


" Yoongi." Jihyun finished Aruem's thought once the man in pierced ears walked into the student committee. Jungkook gave him a bright bunny teeth smile.

" Hi Hyung."

" Hey Jungkook. Ready to take over Jihyun's place next year? " Jihyun huffed and pulled out her clipboard.

" Don't forget Yoongi, you'll be replaced too." Jihyun sneered, bitterly.

" It's good to be back though. I haven't
been in this place in a while."

And who's fault was that? , Aruem asked in her head, trying to focus on her work.

" Forgot about me, Aruem? " Yoongi's voice stretch to Aruem's small desk.

I was trying to.

" Hi." Aruem said quickly, glancing at Yoongi once, before staring at her computer.

" Yoongi you better start working. We have plans for this month and I'm not letting you ruin them. " Jihyun

" Yes sir." Yoongi mocked, giving Aruem a
quick glance before following Jihyun out to do her bidding.


It was lunch once again. Haeun was at her empty table, lost in the taste of the bread she was eating. She wanted to understand the feelings in her stomach. Were they even feelings?

Compared to her time with Hansol..

No, it was different.

It was different.

It felt different.

The loud clang of a tray was what made Haeun break from her thoughts.

" Why are you here? " Haeun asks, looking at Aruem. Aruem placed herself right across from Haeun without a word.

Haeun stayed quiet as well after Aruem's silence.

" You didn't answer my question." Haeun said finally, fishing for her tube of lip tint.

" It wasn't worth an answer." Aruem replied back. Haeun scoffed at Aruem's lame comeback.

" Using my words against me? " Haeun asked, placing her wrappers onto Aruem's tray.

Aruem stayed quiet.

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