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Haeun stood there in horror as a bunch of girls gasp and run over to Jungkook who was currently laying on the floor like roadkill. One took the time to hold up Jungkook so his head was leaning against her shoulder causing her to blush.

" I'll take him to the nurse."

" No, I will."

" Please, you don't even know where the nurse is."

Haeun wanted to crawl into a hole and just die as she looks at Jungkook who look almost drowsy. She must have his hit him hard.
" I'm so sorry, oh my gosh. Are you
alright?" Haeun asks all at once, feeling her hands shake as she talked.

" Meet me after school by the nurse's office." Jungkook muttered under his breath while Hoseok follows behind him.

The coach had not seen the incident, thank goodness, and curtly let the students leave to change their clothes.

" Haeun's so aggressive. Poor Hansol." One girl mumbles out leaving Haeun to drown in her guilt. She turned to see Aruem walking away too, without uttering a thanks.


Haeun was scared out of her guts while her mind conjured up all the possible ways Jungkook would make her life a miserable hell for the rest of school year.

Would he tell the principal and make her get suspended? How would she tell mom? Her records would forever be tainted with the actions that followed today.

The final bell rang and it felt like it would really be her last after Jungkook was finished with her. Trudging through the halls of eager students wasn't easy since everyone wanted to go home.

It wasnt too late to run now, oh but it was, seeing Jungkook leaning his back by the nurses's , staring down at his phone. He looked like a model and Haeun could only scoff in agitation before walking towards Jungkook.

" Is your head okay? " She asks, voice enlaced with guilt. After all, it was her fault. Jungkook turns his head to Haeun after hearing her voice.

" Nothing's wrong." He finished, tugging the strap if his book Bag closer while his free hand held a ziplock bag with with semi melted ice.

" Look, that wasn't meant to happen. I never intended for you to get hurt." She said, picking at her cuticles before talking again.

" But you wanted someone else to." He assumed, making Haeun quieten down.

" Follow me." Jungkook ordered, walking through the crowd which had lessoned slightly. Haeun followed through, ready to expect the worst of the worst. The room numbers change as Jungkook walks further into the school, until they're in a secluded classroom. The lights are dim and Haeun can smell the scent of textbook paper as well as a tinge of lavender. Her stomach was clenching nonstop.

Jungkook sets down his book bag, still holding his icepack on top of his head while he stands up and walks over to Haeun who's by the door.
He grabs her wrist and pulls her further inside before closing the door.

Haeun now looks at Jungkook, who's looking down at her with an intimidating expression.

" You can report me." Haeun says attempting to make her voice a bit louder to show Jungkook that she wasn't scared.

" Why? " Jungkook questions, sitting down on one of the desks.

" I hit you in the head."

" You said it was an accident." He reasoned. Haeun frowned, rubbing her arms.

" It was supposed to be for Hoseok, cuz he was acting like a jerk." Haeun muttered as Jungkook watched her pick at the ironman bandaid she still wore on her finger. His mouth curved into a shadow of a smile.

" He didn't do anything."

" Are you kidding? You didn't see him throw a ball at Aruem's face and walk away like it never happened? "

" So you're telling me that you, Kim Haeun was trying to help someone? That's new."

" No it's not new, I'm always helping people. You just don't see it."

" Well maybe you should do it more, then those rumors won't be all lies." He shrugged. Haeun was trying to annoy him. Since when did he become so..mature about the situation?

" For the last time I don't care what people
say-" Jungkook got off from the table and walked towards Haeun. His face was close to hers and Haeun could see his eyes boring through her.

" You say that but you still cried when you heard them say those things about you." Jungkook murmurs, taking her palm and placing an unopened bandaid on it.

" You're not as tough as I thought you were, Haeun." He mumbles, grabbing his stuff and heading out.

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