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Haeun couldn't stand gym at all.

Especially with the fact that gym was next period. Haeun absolutely hated the fact that she sweat a lot. It was to the point where she felt self conscious about wearing short sleeves since she would find damp sweat stains after merely running around in gym for a while.

After changing in the locker room, Haeun tied her hair up, attempting to catching some of the stubborn wisps of hair that usually curled behind her ears.

She stared at some of the girls next to her watching them laugh and whispers. It was all " "Did you hear?" This and " Did you hear that" wherever she went and she was sick and tired of it.

Immediately after walking into the gym, Haeun starts rubbing her arms that are prickled with goosebumps. The gym held the space that of an olympic pool, with boys playing a warm up session of basketball and the girls, sitting on the bleachers to her right.

She turned to see Aruem shooting baskets on the court to her left and walks over to her instead, incredibly intrigued by her from previous incidents in the bathroom. Aruem turns her head to spot her and then twists her head back, ignoring Haeun.

Her eyes are still dark and the hair once covering most of her face is tied, revealing the aftermath of acne with small red dots on her forehead and chin. But it doesn't make her look bad, at all.

" I can play with you right? " Haeun asks and Aruem stops shooting as the ball she fails to catch bounces and then slows by Haeun's feet.

" Um why? "

" You're the only one playing right now." Haeun shrugs.

" Okay." Aruem then agrees.

The two decide to verse each other and it was going well, with Haeun and Aruem nearly at each other's throats trying to get the ball into each other's court. Areum however accidentally drops her ball while she is dribbling and the ball rolls away to the boy's court.

Looking at the boy's play, was the equivalent to watching starving lions compete for food. The boys were practically animals, aggressively ripping the ball from eachother's clutches and chest bumping each other after making a shot. She could hear some girls on the bleachers cheering them on.


" I'll get the ball." Aruem says, jogging to the boys side. Haeun keeps a watch on Jungkook, watching him dunk the basketball into the net like it was his job. What a showoff.

She turns back to the game, eyes widening as a ball comes flying out of nowhere, smacking Aruem's head. A guy then gives Aruem an annoyed look before grabbing his ball and going back to the court.

" Aren't you going to say sorry, idiot?" Haeun glares.

One of the boy's whom Haeun recognized as Jungkook's friend frowns.

" What did you call me? " he turns around and asks.

" You hit her in the head." Haeun says calmly.

" By accident, why would I hit her on purpose? "

" Because you're clearly blind and too fulll of yourself to realize what goes around you." Haeun fold her arms. She spots Jungkook in the background giving her a glance before turning his head.

" Excuse me? I said it was an accident." the guy begins. His black hair is pulled up with a nike headband and Haeun watches some of his hair escape and fall into his eyes.

" Why are you telling me? Go apologize to her instead." Haeun said pointing to Aruem who was on the bleachers rubbing her head.

" It was her fault for coming into our court.She could have waited." He says again.

Clearly Haeun's words were not getting through his thick skull.

" Hoseok are you coming? " one of his friends ask, grabbing his shoulder.

" Yeah, I'm coming. " The guy yelled back and turn his head to face Haeun once more.

" Look, just mind your own buisness." He
said leaving Haeun with her arms crossed. That's it.

Haeun grabs the ball Aruem was trying to get and pulls her arm back, before catapulting the ball into the air. Haeun, confident about her throw waits for Hoseok to be hit. She watches and then a loud impact of the ball is heard across the gym. The sound is between a slap and a hard punch followed by a groan.

Haeun's jaw drops.

Hoseok's perfectly fine.

It's just Jungkook, looking half dead on the glazed gym floor, with a basketball by his head.

" Oh Shoot." Haeun whispers.

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