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" You might be pretty on the outside, but you're more than ugly on the inside."

Haeun frowned at the memory of that day as she applied another thick coat of the ruby red lip tint and went into one of the stalls.

She hears the sounds of girls walking inside and Haeun quiets down.

" Did you hear about Mirae and Haeun? She literally pushed Mirae to the floor."

" Ah I really hate Haeun. She acts like she's all that because she has a perfect face and body. No wonder all the guys drool over her. " Haeun rolled her eyes, clenching her fists.

" I heard she also broke up with Hansol to go after Jungkook," Now Haeun had opened the door, startling the girls.

" Hae-Haeun. What are you doing here? "

" Using the bathroom instead of talking trash like you guys are," Haeun grumbled, flashing a venomous glare towards the girl who was hanging her head low. Haeun walked out, holding her arm as she headed off.

On her way there she passed Jungkook who eyed her cheery red lips and continued walking nonchalantly.

" You might be pretty on the outside, but you're more than ugly on the inside."

Suddenly a hand taps Haeun's back and she turns around to meet Jungkook, watching her cautiously.

" Your lips."

" What about them? " she asks, with a stiff jaw.

" I told you from yesterday."

" Yeah and I told you too, I'm not taking it off. Why? You can't concentrate because I look too good? Am I distracting you Jungkook? " Haeun demanded, hoping her voice could substitute for her short height.

" No, but you'll distract others."

Haeun scoffed and rolled her eyes. That's all he could come up with?

" Admit it, you're just using the stupid student council rules as an excuse to make my life miserable for the rest of the school year."

" How did you know? " Jungkook says, raising his eyebrows in mock surprise. He knew he was pushing her buttons. Haeun wasn't going to crack.

" I-"

" JUNGKOOK, RUNAWAY, DON'T LET THAT TWO TIMER GET TO YOU," Someone randomly yelled out. Jungkook moved his head to look over Haeun's shoulder.

But without a care he states calmly, " That's what happens when you keep acting so high and mighty."

Haeun wanted to crawl into a cave and lay there forever but she couldn't just be all emotional. She had to think of something to say. Something to get him all riled up.

" So what if people say things? Are you worried about me? "

" I'm concerned of what you're going do to others. " he said, biting his lips and waiting for Haeun to answer back.

" You're so keen on pointing fingers at me. " she said finally, crosses her arms.

" Isn't that a given? Girls like you ruin lives. " he replies back.

"And what? Guys like you save lives,
I assume? " Haeun inquires, watching the same girls in the bathroom, whispering far behind Jungkook.

" Yeah, guys like me do. And for your information. I don't go for girls like you."

" Really? Well-" Haeun exhaled , letting out a strangled breath.

" Well-" she started off again

She had to think of something to say

Something to get him all riled up.

She had to.

She couldn't lose to him.

Nothing in her life was every attained through her tears. No one was going to hand things ti her because she caused a tantrum. She had to do things her own way, even if it meant she was hurting herself.

" Are you crying? " he asks, watching Haeun's eyes glisten. She hated when people said that.

" What is it to you if I am? Are you going to write me up? " she stared at Jungkook with the refusal to blink as she walked back into the cafeteria.

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