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Haeun had a thing for putting people on a hit list and Jungkook at the moment was on the top.

And what was most surprising was that she had just met him yet he was already getting on her nerves, along with the newly made student council that had nothing better to do than to stick their noses into other people's businesses.

But perhaps she was taking it too far. It was just the first week of school and Haeun had enough girls who hated her guts and more obviously, her pretty appearance.

The day seemed to be dragging on for what seemed like centuries until the bell rang as the daily stampede of students rushed to get food from the cafeteria. Haeun wasn't hungry and rather decided to stay inside and study while a bunch of girls walked out whispering things like," she probably thinks that she's too good to eat with peasants like us " and " ugh, she's such a snob. "

Once everyone had left Haeun read through her math work, focusing comfortably while the only sounds were the scraping of her graphite pencil.

The pain in Haeun's cheek was still hurting and Jungkook hadn't even apologized. She hated people like him. People who assumed who was the bad guy and who was good. And in this case, Haeun was left with a red cheek while Mirae was left unscathed.

" Haeun." the sound of Hansol's voice called from the door. Haeun straightened up and she turned to see the guy staring right at her.

" Please don't do this. We were so good together. Everyone loves us. " Hansol pleaded.

" Were. We're not anymore Hansol." Haeun said, feeling her blood pressure rise. Hansol was just for the popularity, like the rest of them. But what else was new?

" I don't care what everyone loves or hates okay? You and I are finished," she finished.

Hansol stays quiet for a moment and then his eyes darken. Haeun stays, still half expecting him to walk away.

" Who do you think you are? You don't care who you date as long as they're good
looking." Hansol retorts and walks over to Haeun who was starting to back up.

" And you know how petty you are? Mirae is ten times better of a girl than you could ever be," he said grabbing Haeun's wrist tightly.

" Then why don't you just date her? I don't care," Haeun jeered with her hands fisted.


" Who on earth put a pile of legos
by the door? " Haeun screamed in agony while rubbing the sore soles of her feet as she glared dagger at her little brother, Jae. Her brother had earbuds lodged in his ear accompanied by a hoodie that read "It's EVERYDAY BRO " written in bold white letters. It was onvious that her stupid brother had an addiction to Jake Paul.

Jae was almost identical to his older sister, with his similar arched forehead and the pale skin as well as the same honey toned eyes and straight black hair that naturally curled at the tips. But he also was incredibly annoying to the point where one would feeling like ripping their hair out.

Jae was untouchable because of their mom who loved and cherished him like a fragile newborn baby.

" You're actually dead today," She stated sprinting over to Jae who was already running up the stairs. Haeun's mom was or today so she had all day to torture her little brother.

" IT'S JUST A PRANK," he yelled over his shoulder while Haeun tackled him on the ground. She had successfully placed Jae into a headlock and was laughing heavily.

" For the ten thousandth time you annoying little brat, DON'T PLAY WITH LEGOS. What are you, a baby?" Jae sneered and stuck his tongue out.

" Do you want to die? Once mom comes
home and-"

" Once I come home and what? " their mom asked, out of the bathroom looking like a ghost without eyes. Haeun and Jae screamed as the lights by the doorway turn on.

Their mom was currently wearing a cucumber face mask, which she was obsessing over and rubbing her cheeks in circular motions while her hair was tied in a bun.

Don't worry, she's prettier without the mask.

" Jae keeps showering his stupid lego blocks on the floor," Haeun whined.

" First I want you two to get off each other before you hurt my baby," Mom said prying the two siblings away and cuddling her younger son who was smirking at Haeun.

" But he-"

" It was probably just an accident." Haeun's mom said.


" Enough Haeun."

Haeun gave Jae a glare and headed into her room, stomping her way to the bed and threw her book bag to the ground like she was a pro wrestler.


Friday, 7:15 PM

It was the next day and Haeun hardly got any sleep from her mother yelling at her all night for abusing her beloved and only son.

She didn't care how adorable her brother was, he was a monster.

Haeun was in her first-period Korean class and she was already half bored to death waiting for the bell to ring. It was until she saw Jungkook walking into the class that she had straightened up. The guy was wearing headphones and walking into the room looking around for spare seats.

Half expexinf him to sit next to her, Haeun turns away haughtily and sees him pulling the chair right by Mirae.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed loudly, making sure Jungkook turned his head to notice her.

" Why are you sitting with a girl like her? " she asks. Mirae blinks innocently and smiles at Jungkook.

" Because she doesn't push people around like someone in this room."

Haeun rolls her eyes and gives Jungkook a glare but before she can respond, the teacher
clears his throat and begins the lesson.



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