17. Them

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Chapter 17

Olivia's POV

8 Months Later...

My life has been good I guess I would say. I finished school, I am 18, I still live with my aunt she has been amazing, my dad says that she is a lot like my mother. I have more friends than I did when I was in Los Angeles, but none of them are friends that I am really close with. My dad and his girlfriend got married here in New York 4 months ago. Well, that's basically it. I hear my aunt call my name, so I run downstairs.

"What?" I asked.

"Your father wants you to go visit him back in Los Angeles," My aunt says. I froze, could I see the guys again? I haven't seen them since I left. It will be fine right? Like Los Angeles is a big city so I probably won't see them, and if I do I will just try to hide.

"Sure, I when will I go on the flight," I say.

"Tomorrow so get packing" I go upstairs start to pack and go to sleep.

Next day later...

I wake up, get ready, eat, say my goodbye, and go to the airport. I get in my seat and get settled in.

Skip Airplane Ride...

I see my dad, go to the new house that he got since his wife Laura, her kids Noah and Louis, and him all live together now. I go upstairs he shows me my room. He told me that if I needed to come back to visit he had a room already set up for me.

The Next Day Later...

I wake up and I go downstairs and I go eat breakfast.

"Hey Olivia, you, Noah and Louis should all go to the mall!" Laura says. We all agree and get ready. I drive them to the mall, and we walk around and buy stuff for 3 hours and then we decide to go to the food court. When we eat, I see a guy come up to me, he looks familiar.

"Olivia is that you?" The guy says behind me with his friend I guess. I turn around and see Taylor and Carter. Surprisingly I was very happy to see them.

"AS I LIVE AND BREATHE IT'S THE ONE AND ONLY TAYLOR MICHAEL CANIFF AND CARTER MCCOY REYNOLDS," I say, they laugh and I hug them. We all talk for a little while and they tell me to go over to there house and tell me that they haven't done anything to the room and just left it as it is. I just say yes because I did miss them all. But we all agreed that we were going to tell nobody, and I was going to have come over at 6:00. Also, I gonna ask my dad if he would let me stay with them while I'm here. I take Noah and Louis to their house and get inside.

"Dad" I yell.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Can I stay with my friends you know the ones that I shared a house with?" I say. He just nods. I unblocked all of the boys and I texted Carter.

Olivia: My dad said I could stay with you guys.

Carter: Yay! And another yay because you unblocked me, also I gonna pick you up gimme your address.

I give him the address and I repack all of my stuff in the suitcases. By the time I was done it was 6:00.

Carter: Okay I am here.

I am actually going to see them again. 

Date: 10/19/18 Words: 600

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