24. Happy?

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Chapter 24

Olivia's POV

"Everyone thinks your such a happy guy and you could make everyone happy, but once people see that photo everyone will think differently of you. So just keep playing along and nothing bad will happen to you" I hear Emma yell. Then I hear both of them walk out. I wait for about 3 minutes then I leave the bathroom and Aaron's room. I wanna go talk to Aaron, but how will I do that when Emma is watching his every move.

Then I hear a scream coming downstairs. I go downstairs and see Emma on the floor.

"Hey, why are you screaming?" I asked.

"Well I was trying to grab something, but I couldn't reach it so I grabbed a chair and stood on it but I fell and I think I broke my arm" Emma responds.

"I will tell Cameron to take you to the hospital," I say while helping her up. I yell at Cam to take her and he does. Once they leave the house I go try to find Aaron so I could talk to him. I see him in the game room. He is the only one there so I get inside and I lock the door and sit next to him.

"What do you want?" Aaron says harshly.

"Are you being framed by Emma?" I ask.

"How would you know-"

"I was in your bathroom I heard everything" I cut him off. Then I hear my phone ding.

You have been added to a group chat!

Cam: Okay now that everyone is on this group chat except Emma dinner is canceled since Emma broke her arm.

Everyone: Okay

Hayes: Yay Olivia's back!

Olivia: Yeah

I turn off my phone and continue the conversation with Aaron. I look up and Aaron is looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Aaron please tell me if Emma is framing you," I say.

"Yeah she is, she's making me be mean to you and be her boyfriend to ruin you I guess," Aaron says.

"What does she have on you?" I ask.

"She found a photo of me on top of a building, about to jump off of it"

"Aaron no please don't tell me you were suicidal," I say while hugging him.

"I was it was when I was 13, people used to make fun of me and other stupid shit they used to do, I couldn't take it I cut myself and she has photos of my cuts too I don't know how she found them, one day I just couldn't take it so I tried jumping off, but my mom stopped me before I could, she said I had a great life ahead of me and I couldn't take it away" He explains to me while crying, then he shows me his cuts.

"Aaron I am so sorry I have been a bitch to you," I say while crying.

"I don't want to be mean to you I love Olivia and always will and it kills me seeing you with someone else and you hating me" I put my head in his chest and just lay there in his arms for a while.

"I love you too Aaron poo," I say. What am I doing? I'm with Shawn, I feel so bad for Aaron though. I need to find a way to help Aaron.

"Aaron I think you should tell your fans what you have been through, tell them about the bullying. I could help you get away from Emma, and it could help other people too who are going through this they could be inspired how someone so happy could have been through so much terrible stuff in their life"  I say while caressing his cheek. 

Date: 10/30/18 Words: 606

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