"Taehyung, let me see." The broad boy is pushed gently to the side, letting me see the whole reason why they were all here.


He was more stunning in person. His cheeks were swollen from sleep, and hair messed up, not to mention his lips seemed to be plump from the rest too. It all gave such an intense look that my heart dropped.


Wait- I didn't- did I?

"I mean-!" I shuffle in place, my whole body tingling in nervousness at the word that escaped my lips, the word that was meant to be thought. I'm so embarrassed that I give him a bow, "It's nice to meet you." I squeak out, not wanting to meet eyes with him.

I hear a laugh from the boy I just so blatantly complemented, the sound even squeaking from the pitch. Finally he leans down to meet eyes with me, grinning innocently.

"Wow." He repeats, causing me to cough under my breath with not knowing what to do.

I finally rise up, him following after.

"Nice to meet you Kim." He states with grin, his eyes being pressed into crescents by his cheeks.

"Nice to-" I clear my throat before it wavers, "Nice to meet you too."

When I glance to the other brothers, I see most of them are focused on Yoongi.

Thank goodness. Though I make eye contact with Jungkook, who of which chuckles before his eyes slide back to Yoongi.

Kill me.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

We make it back to the hotel with ease, though stuffing all the boys into it was chaotic as everyone seemed to be taking up as much space as physically possible. But we did it.

I sat on bed, watching everyone pile in while they spoke of how nice the room was.

"We have to share beds." Jin complained, "And I got Namjoon! The messiest person."

The group laughed while I glanced to Yoongi, someone who simply watched silently. Just like I did.

Namjoon apologized to Jin, who of which just asked him to pick up his stuff. They talked about arrangements for sleeping. I simply listened along before I could feel the buzz of my phone that signified it ringing. When I glance, I see my mom's contact.

I excused myself, sheepishly showing my phone but when they saw it was family they all encouraged me to take it.

Once the door was closed, I picked up the phone.

"Y/N! You picked up!" She told me excitedly, her voice ringing through the phone so loudly I bet someone would be able to hear her. I don't respond and she nervously laughs. "I have news!"

At that, an interest forms. "News?" I ask a bit hesitantly, leaning against the wall by the door.

"Yes! You have a job offer!"

"A. . . job offer? How- In music?" I tried to not get my hopes up, but my heart was already beating in my ears. In both anxiety and excitement. An offer? I could finally start my career! I could - I could-

I'm cut off by her laughing, the sound cruel even if it wasn't meant to be. "No, sweetie. Not in music. At a chain restaurant! Isn't that great?"

"At- At a fast food place?" I mutter, and I don't realize until the phone hits my ear that I'm trembling.

"Yes! Now, I had to beg so you'll have to come as quickly as possible. Forget the contest and just come back."

"You had to beg?"

The Silence We Fill | MYGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें