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katya had under estimated how taxing it would be to wander round the city for ages, looking at house after house. trixie had fallen in love with every single one however katya had not seen one she had liked.

"babe, this is the last one in our price range, if you don't like this we're just gonna have to board at college or something." trixie said, swinging hers and katyas intertwined hands as they walked. "i'm not even fucking going to college." katya mumbled grumpily. "oh yeah, i don't know what we're going to do then." trixie replied, exasperated.

the girls walked to the next address. the apartment building was large and looked brand new. trixie squeezed katyas hand and they walked to the small building managers office. katya knocked once and the girls stood waiting. a small man came out and greeted them. he lead them to apartment and left them alone to look around.

"wow!" trixie exclaimed and ran over to the large balcony that overlooked the city. trixie explored the apartment a lot more quicker than katya and she was on her second time round looking at all the rooms when she saw katya out on the balcony, having a cigarette.

"what's up babe?" asked trixie, hugging katya from behind and placing a kiss on her neck. "nothing, i love it." katya said, grinning. " actually like this apartment?" trixie said, shocked. "yeah, i think this is the one kukla." she said and took one last puff of the cigarette before putting it out in an ash tray.

the girls headed back to the office and accepted the apartment there and then. the building manager helped them to sign all the right paperwork and they set up a direct debit with katyas parents, which would pay for all the bills for the apartment. the building manager said they could move in, in two weeks.

they walked out the apartment block hand in hand. "i think this calls for a celebration!" said katya. "trix how about you go and get some take away and i'll meet you back at the hotel?" "why have i got to get the food?" trixie moaned. "just do it." said katya, grinning. she placed a kiss on trixies cheek before they headed off in different directions.

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