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katya was so nervous walking to trixies house. she was nervous because they had been flirting, well she assumed that's what trixie meant when she said she wasn't joking.

she knocked on the door three times and stood back waiting for trixie to open the door. she saw a flash of blonde hair and the door swung open. "hey katya." said trixie, coolly and let katya in. "wow i love that picture of baby you." said katya, laughing at an old picture of trixie. "katya, please hurry up and get your shoes off." said trixie impatiently.

"oh so this is the famous katya." said an older woman coming out the kitchen. trixie rolled her eyes and sighed. "yes mum this is katya." said trixie. "hi mrs mattel." said katya extending a hand. "please call me val." said trixies mum, shaking katyas hand. "alright mum we'll be upstairs." said trixie, grabbing katyas hand and taking her up the stairs.

"sorry you had to see her." said trixie, sighing. "it could've gone worse, she could've interrogated me or something." said katya, giggling. "well, welcome to my room." said trixie.

katya looked around and of course the room was very much pink. it had pink walls, pink curtains, pink lampshades and pink bed covers. "it's very pink." said katya. she sat down on trixies bed and trixie joined her, pulling katya down onto the pillows. "well you know me." said trixie.

"oh katya i forgot to tell you but someone has defaced your locker and the wrote..uh." trixie paused, she really didn't want to hurt katyas feelings. "what did it say trixie?" asked katya, rolling on her side to look at trixie. "well it said dyke." said trixie, barely whispering the offensive word. "couldn't they be more creative? like that's the truth." said katya, laughing.

"the teachers also found out that it was fames writing so she's getting punished." trixie added. "so you're really not mad?" trixie asked. "it took me so long to accept myself for who i am and now i'm so comfortable in my sexuality that being called a dyke literally means nothing to me." said katya, smiling.

katya winced a little as she smiled, one of her eyes was still really swollen and face still ached. trixie noticed and brushed a finger along it.

"you should really go and see someone about your eye, it looks so sore." said trixie. katyas breath hitched, trixie was impossibly close and she could feel trixies minty breath hit her face. trixie noticed how close they were too but she didn't make any attempt to pull away.

katya sat dumbfounded as she watched trixie close the gap between their faces. their lips touched for a split second but trixie jumped away as soon as her bedroom door was swung open.

"oh i'm sorry girls." said val, turning bright red and walking out. "do you girls want dinner?" she called from behind the door. "yes please." trixie shouted back and she listened as she heard her mum walk down the stairs.

"fucks sake." said trixie sitting up laughing. "another time." said katya. laughing too.

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