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it was thursday night and trixie hadn't talked to katya since tuesday, since katya had shouted at her in front of the whole school.

katya had been calling trixies phone endlessly but every time trixie had hung up. she didn't want to hear what katya had to say, katya believed david over her and that's what hurt the most, the fact katya didn't even trust her own girlfriend.

trixie felt her phone vibrate for the 10th time this evening and she was going to hang up in katya again but she didn't, instead she answered, she was feeling reasonable.

"what is it katya?" trixie said sighing.

"please let me explain!" katya cried from the other end.

"okay." said trixie, "but be quick."

"trix i'm so sorry, i've never been in a real relationship before and i was struggling over the fact that it was becoming really real. i was scared because i was falling deeper in love with you everyday and i've had trust issues with people before so when david said that i freaked, trixie i'm so sorry please forgive me." katya said.

trixie could hear her crying down the other end of the phone.

"i forgive you." trixie whispered. "thank you trixie, i love you." katya sighed. "i love you too." trixie whispered and hung up.

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