KCON Thailand PT 3

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A continuation of Pt 2 so prepare get more fluff with a sprinkle of angst stuff.
You glared the older members.

"Dont you dare think that kiss meant anything cause im not dating him. I just did that to make you guys feel happy for shipping us." You bluntly stated.

Their hopes of you two actually annoucing you and Hyunjin were dating went down.

"Aww...I thought you meant that kiss was real...But Hyunjin kissed back so that means he likes you right?" Changbin stated.

"There is such thing as going with the flow hyung. I just played along with her to make you guys stop annoying her." Hyunjin glared at them.

You all finally arrived at the hotel you were staying at and grabbed your luggages from the back of the car. They gave out the roomate plan.

Hyunjin x Changbin x Felix
Y/n x Jeongin x Seungmin
Chan x Woojin
Minho x Jisung

You kinda pouted that your roomate wasnt Hyunjin but hey at least its the maknae line only room. Time to cause a ruckus. You looked at Jeongin and Seungmin and gave them a mischievious smirk and they understood it straight away.

The three of you went to the room and opened it without hestitation. Once the door was unlocked, you dropped your bags near the door and jumped on the bed.

Both Seungmin and Jeongin blushed when they accidentaly saw your red panties. But they kept quiet to not make the situation between you and them awkward.

"You two gonna just stand there or what? Theres two giant beds we can jump on." You stated.

They didnt jump on the bed like you did but they went over to you. Which kinda made you surprised.

"Y/n...Pls be honest with us." Seungmin started and you nodded slowly not knowing what he would ask you.

"Are you and Hyunjin hyung dating?" Jeongin asked.

You stayed there frozen not knowing if you should tell them or not. They are the maknae line and you trust any secrets with them but you were scared that they would tell the others.

"Promise me to not tell the older members and cover for me in any situation." You started.

They nodded knowing that maybe if it was real that they should just keep it a secret from the others after all you all kept secrets about each other and they didnt want to lose your trust.

"You really promise?" They nodded again.

"Fine but dont hate me...Yeah me and Hyunjin oppa are dating..." You finally said it.

They just nodded, they probably suspected it.

"Actually, we kinda already thought you two were dating cause we saw you two kissing in the plane. Dont worry the others didnt saw it but they heard it. Plus from what we heard in the hyung car...We already confirmed it that you two were dating." Jeongin confessed.

"Dont worry tho..We will a hundered percent sure to cover you two so if you two want to have the urge to act couple like just tell me or Jeongin and we will cover you two. We trust hyung will take care of you seeing that you and hyung are close." Seungmin completed Jeongin's statement.

You teared up with tears of joy cause Jeongin and Seungmin were being so kind to you. They hugged you and you continued bawling your eyes out. Hyunjin opened the door since you didnt lock it and when he saw you crying he went over to your side.

10th Member of Stray Kids (remaking soon)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora