It's light. It's really light. I shake it up and down and nothing sounds from the inside. Maybe he got me an empty box as a joke. That's exactly something he would do.

I unwrap the package and glance up at him every once in a while to see his unchanging expression. He leans against the headboard and crosses his arms as he patiently waits for me to open it.

Inside, are two small tickets with an immense amount of writing on them. I turn them over looking for some kind of indication of what they're for, but I see no title. I only read one line about being nonrefundable before Will interrupts.

"They're for World of Art's annual show next month. I've gone by myself the past two years because I'm basically forced to go but it really is a good show. I managed to get a few rare Picasso's this year and, of course, some Tomas Sanchez because I hoped you'd come with me."

He's basically asking me to be his date for his work event. He really couldn't have given me a better Christmas gift.

"I'd love to go," I say looking up at him. His smiles widen even further like he was expecting me to say no. He obviously doesn't realize how deep I am with him. I wouldn't be able to get out even if I wanted to.


The rest of the night we pretty much stay in our own little world, as well as the next three days. I still visit with my family and we all eat dinner together every night, but I don't push Will to be around everyone all the time. He's used to having his own space 24/7 and living with a large family is definitely a change from that.

He doesn't mention anything more about the kiss and I don't know if I'm upset or relieved. I don't want history to repeat itself, but I want him to kiss me again. I've never craved for a boy's touch like I do with Will. It makes me feel desperate and vulnerable. He could leave in a blink of an eye and I would be completely broken. I don't have that power over him and it scares me.

Today is the last day before Will and I drive back tomorrow morning. It's really nice to be able to relax with the eight people I care about the most and not worry about school or anyone else. I think it also gave Will a break from Ethan and that whole issue.

"We're having a special guest come over," my Mom says over-excitingly as half the family sits down for breakfast. Dad, Ana, Mindy, and Maya all went out to run errands just as we were walking downstairs.

"What kind of guest?" I ask sitting down with a cup of tea. Normally we don't have people over because of Madison.

"Just this really nice man that is going to come and talk to us," Mom replies nonchalantly.

Willow and I exchange confused glances. This is odd. Will doesn't seem to notice as he skims through the Art and Literature section of the newspaper and Madison is too engrossed in threading beads on a string to pay attention to Mom.

"Talk about what?" Willow asks. Mom avoids her eyes as she pretends to be busy cooking eggs.

"You know, just talk," she says quickly. "Willow how about you go to your room for a while." It's a strange request since we all just sat down, but Willow doesn't argue. She raises her eyebrows at me as she exits the room leaving only the four of us.

"Umm, Jessi? It would probably be best if you and Will-" The doorbell breaks her sentence. Both Will and Madison look up from their activities and over towards the door. No one from the family rings the doorbell and Madison recognizes this right away. Her eyes go wide as she looks around the room as if she's planning an escape.

"Something going on?" Will asks as soon as he's swallowed his last bite of toast. I just shrug my shoulders and glance over at my Mom who's drying her hands on a washcloth.

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