Chapter 23-Stress

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Jason's pov

Something is wrong with her. Something really bad. She doesn't remember me. She can't talk or think right. I don't know what to do. I'm scared I'm going to lose her and never get her back. I can't lose her. I love her with all my heart. "It's going to be okay." Dad said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I can't lose her dad. I've never been so scared in all my life." "You're going to make it through this. So is she. She's a tough girl. You know she is." I cover my eyes, trying not to cry.

*A few hours later*

I force myself to go back to the hospital, nervous beyond means. She was awake luckily. Her mom was talking to her but I couldn't hear what she was saying and I was too scared to go closer. I slowly walk closer to her door, my hands shaking, my stomach twisted in knots. She looks over. My heart starts to race. But I feel even worse when she makes this face like she's got no idea who I am. I walk in her room and her mom stands up. I shakily sit down where she was. "Hey." I whisper. "Hey." She whispers back. "Do.... Do you know.... Who I... Who I am?" I shakily say, scared. "Yeah." My eyes go wide. "You do?" I cry shocked. "Yeah." She says again. "I.... I'm sorry about.... Yesterday." She mumbles, her voice really low. Like she's scared. "You don't have to be afraid." I say, holding her hand. "Something..... Is wrong with me.... And..... I... I h-hate it." "We're going to figure it out together. I won't give up." "B-But the play.... The guy.... My brain.... Doesn't work.... He won't..... Want me." "Don't say that. We've got a week." I gasp, glad she's back to her old self. "It's the brain damage." Her mother says, trying not to cry. "The doctor said it would happen off and on. At any random time in her life. Mostly under extreme stress." Of course. The guy coming stressed her out. She could easily land in the hospital.

*A few days later*

She was back in the director's chair, her oxygen tank beside her, her hand gripped to her clipboard. She can't get stressed. I pull up a chair and sit beside her. "Hey." She says. "How ya doin'?" "Fine. Just nervous. I guess." I hold her hand. "You're gonna do great. Just like you always do. That's why that guy is coming." "I can't do it, Jay." She whimpers. I hug her, worried. "Yes you can, babe. You're amazing." "You believe in me... Like nobody ever has." I smile. "I always will." I whisper, kissing the top of her head. "I love you." She says, making me smile. She knows who I am. She loves me. I've just got to keep her unstressed.

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