Chapter 15- Now That's Love

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Jason's pov

I walked in her hospital room and smiled hearing her singing Bless the Broken Road. I was surprised to see her looking through all the letters I sent her when I was her secret admirer. "Hey." She looks up caught off guard. I've been standing here for a bit. The dazed look in her eyes is concerning. "How're you doing?" "Fine." She says. "What're you doing?" "I... Uh... I don't know." I'm worried now. I pull up a chair and sit down. "Are you alright?" She doesn't respond. What's going on? "You're worryin' me hun." I say gently grabbing her hand. She's super tense. "I'm f-f..... Fine." "No you're not. What's up?" "I.... The meds.... Make me.... Feel weird..... Confused.... I don't.... Know what's going on." "I'm going to get your doctor." I say standing up. She grabs my arm. "No! You can't! Please!" She cried desperate. "Why not? Something is obviously wrong!" "I can't... You can't.... Please.... Promise me!" I shall sit on the edge of her bed and rest my hands on her cheeks. Her eyes are glazed over. What is going on? "I'm scared, Jason." "I am too." I shakily say hugging her.

*Later that day*

I couldn't stand to see her like this. She was rocking back and forth while steadily doing the same thing over and over. Just sifting through the notes. I need to get to the bottom of this. Even though she doesn't want me to, I have to talk to her doctor. I worriedly head for the door and she screams my name. "Where are you going?" She cries. "I... Uh just getting something to eat. Are you alright?" She's shaking slightly. "H-Hurry back." I walk out the door and freeze midstep hearing her say, "Action." I look back over my shoulder. She held one of the notes and made a gesture like she was handing it to someone in front of her but obviously nobody's there. "R-R-Read your l-l-l-lines." She stutters. "And don't... M-Mess up th-this time." I quickly find her doctor and tell him. "I thought you already knew." "Knew what?" I ask, worried. "See had a seizure last night. She didn't have oxygen to her brain for a several minutes." I tense up. "W-What... What does this mean for her?" "We aren't sure. We're monitoring her and we've got her on meds to prevent anymore seizures but she might have slight permanent brain damage. Nothing so severe. She was talking to you. She remembered you so I don't think you need to worry." "No offense but I'll worry no matter what. Until she's in remission." He sighs. "There's not much we can do but hope." I take a deep breath and nod. I walk back to her room after grabbing a sandwich from the cafeteria. I get her a chocolate pudding cup because she loves those things. I smile when her eyes light up with excitement. "Oh thanks!" "No problem. How's your head doing?" The smile fades away slowly worrying me. "I can't think very well. I... I can't think... To say the right thing as fast.... As normal." She looks at the ground and fiddles with the oxygen tube in her nose. "Baby don't play with that." I say pulling her hand down. "It itches." "Well it's like chicken pox. Ya can't itch it. Now eat your pudding." She laughs slightly. Her hands were fumbly. "I'll help you baby." I say, taking it. "I can't do anything, Jase!" She whines in the cutest little kid way. "Yes you can." I say sitting down. "You can sing and direct like nobody's business." She's smiles. "Not to mention you make me laugh. You know how to push my buttons. Now open your mouth, crazy." I feed her some pudding. "You make me so happy just by being you." "I..... I do?" "Yeah." "I..... I.... I...." "Take your time, honey. We've got all day. I ain't going anywhere." "I..... I....... L-L-Lovvvvve you." I smile and kiss her forehead. "I love you too baby. More than anything in this world." She smiles, still looking sad. "Now finish your pudding and tell me all about that little play you were doing when I left." Her eyes go wide. She started at me shocked. "Y-You knew.... Ab-About that?" She struggles to say. "Course I do. I know everything about you, angel." I feed her another spoonful of pudding.

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