Chapter 28- Nerves And A Visit

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Miranda's pov

I finished up with practice. I have four plays already lined up. I'm worried. What if I can't do it? Max fetched me from my hotel. "Let's get something to eat then head to the set." He says, a bunch of papers in his hands. We get to a nightclub. "You've got an interview with Us Weekly." "Us Weekly? What would I say?" I gasp. "They're just going to ask you about your background, where you get your inspiration, that kinda stuff. Relax Miranda. It's not a big deal." "B-But I know I'll say something stupid! Oh man, Max, I can't do an interview with a magazine not yet!" "Calm down, kid. Everything is fine. They'll ask you a few questions and be on their way." I try to calm my nerves.

Jason's pov

I get a call from my long distance girlfriend during band practice. I unhooked my guitar and answered the phone making hand motions telling the guys to cut the music. "Hey baby girl, how goes it?" "I'm nervous. I've got to do an interview with a famous magazine. I don't think I can do it without freezing up." Uh oh. "Babe it's no big deal. You have no reason to be nervous." "But I still am!" "You know that's not good for you." She starts to cry. I bite my lip, sad I can't help her. "You're going to do great, Miranda."

*The next day*

Miranda's pov

Max takes me to the apartment he got for me. "Thanks so much! This means the world." "Your interview has been rescheduled for three days from now because of an electrical short to the sound system. That's plenty of time to calm your nerves." He says, patting my shoulder. "You're going to ace this, girl!" I smile. "Thanks." I say gladly.

*A couple days later*

I check the mail and am shocked to see a letter from Georgia! I almost cry when I read what's inside. "You're an amazingly free spirited talented woman. You make my heart skip a beat every time I hear your voice. I love you with all my heart. Your husband and redneck Romeo, Jason." I instantly call him, my hand gripping so tight to the oxygen tank, it's shaking. "Hey cowgirl." He says. "Oh Jason, I love you so much! That letter means so much to me." He chuckles. "Thought it'd help. Knowing I'm rootin' for ya too." "I miss you." I shakily say, sitting down. "What if... I mean if you aren't busy.... I could come visit this weekend?" He says, sounding nervous. "I'd love that more than anything!" I gasp excited. He laughs softly, happily. "I can't wait to see you baby girl."

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