Chapter 45- Moving On

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Jason's pov

Mom and dad were waiting at the door when I got home. I was obviously confused. "There's someone here to see you." Dad says, only confusing me more. "What's going on?" I ask, setting down my guitar case and loosening my tie. Dad nods to the kitchen so I walk in there and am surprised to see Miranda's dad. "What are... I'm... Hey." I nervously say, caught off guard. I haven't seen or talked to her parents in way too long. "Sorry to come unannounced. I just... I heard you were back in town and..." "It's alright. It's good to see you." I sit down and run a hand through my sweaty hair. "Lucy told me about what happened tonight." He shakily says, looking at the ground, his hands in tight shaking fists. "You alright?" I ask. "Was it true? Was she... Really there?" I swallow the nerves and nod. "It was.... Probably the best feeling I've had in five years. I finally got to say goodbye." I shakily say, my stomach twisting in knots. "I want her back. So fucking bad." He whispers, almost in tears. I bite back my own sorrow. "I'd give anything to have her back. But I can honestly say sir, she is happy." We share a hug then he heads home. "What was he talking about?" Mom asks, crossing her arms, looking exhausted and frightened at the same time. I try to explain best I can. They look skeptical but I don't care. I know I'll never see her again. I can just feel it. She's moved on and I'm stuck with that. "Ya can't change gone." I whisper, standing up, mentally and emotionally exhausted. 

*a few months later*

I had finally worked up the nerve to ask Lucy out on a date. We kept in touch long distance as friends but she mentioned she wanted to get out of our one horse town. So I thought why not see if she'd like to join me in Nashville. I take a deep breath and walk up her porch. I was about to knock when it swung open and a little blonde boy ran out and right into me. I stumble back, caught by surprise. "Chase! Don't run.. Oh hey Jaaon. Nice to see you. What brings you to my humble abode?" I force a nervous smile. "I uh wanted to see if you wanted to grab some lunch and.. Talk about some things." She looks over at the little boy. "I didn't know you had kids." I say, surprised she wouldn't tell me something like that. "Oh I don't. My nephew. I'm babysitting while my brother is in a meeting." Phew. Not that I'd mind I guess but I wasn't expecting it. "James will be back in a couple hours. We were just about to have a picnic if you want to join us." "That sounds lovely Lucy." I say with a smile. The sun was plenty warm enough. "Maybe head down for a swim at the old quarry." I force a smile, memories washing over me again. We walk down to the quarry and lay a blanket down on the bank. "So Lucy.. You were talking about wanting to leave Macon? Any destinations?" "Not really but I want to see the world. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet but I'll figure it out." I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous? "Look Lucy I don't want to make the same mistake I did the first time and waiting too long to tell someone how I feel... I was wondering if you wanted to move with me to Nashville. I'm just... I'm tired of being lonely and I want to move on with my life and I think... If you're interested of course.... I want to see if there's anything between us." I shut up quickly when I realized I just spilled my guts to this now shocked dark haired girl. "Wow, Jason. I... This... I didn't expect...." Her voice trails off and I can't look at her out of embarrassment. "I didn't mean to say all that.... Exactly like that." I mumble, rubbing my arm. "I don't mind Jason. I'm glad to know you want to find love again. I know it's what Miranda would've wanted. All she wants is for you to be happy." I go back to her last words to me in the gymnasium of our old school, surrounded by our graduating class. "You will be happy again." She had said. My heart hurt to think about it but I had to let go. I have to move on to be happy. "So are you-" She stops me, to my shock, with a kiss. "I'm interested." She whispers against my lips, my mind reeling. "OK." I shakily whisper shocked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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