Chapter 3- Scared

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Jason's pov

My best friend has cancer and might die. I can't even wrap my head around that one thought. Suddenly I feel someone shaking my arm. I look up to her mother. "Your dad's out in the hallway." She says. "Why?" "To take you home." Take me home? No way! "I'm f-fine." I mutter, looking back at the floor. "I know it's hard but you need to go home for the night." "I ain't goin' anywhere." I shakily say, glancing at the bed where my terrified best friend lay. Her tearful blue eyes locked on me. "I'm not leaving." I say sternly. "Go get some rest." She whispers. Her voice is hoarse from crying so much. "I can rest here just fine." She smiles but I can tell easily that it's fake. "What about the play tomorrow night?" I force myself not to cry. She could die and she's worried about the play. Well theater is a big part of her life. "I... I don't think.... You're gonna be able to make it." "Well thanks captain obvious." She says with a hint of a genuine smile. Dad stood in the doorway. "How're you doing, kiddo?" She waves. "I'm so scared, Jason." "I am too." I shakily say. "I.... I don't... I... C-Can't lose you." She starts to cry again. I wrap her in a hug.  "Come on son, let's head home. I'll drive ya up here tomorrow." I'm scared to leave. "I can't leave you." "I'll be okay for the night." She says. "They're right, Jason. You need sleep." I'm very reluctant. I hugged her tight one last time then headed to the parking lot with my dad. "Her mother said you were sitting in a chair for an hour just staring in space." I stare at the concrete as we walk to his truck. "I didn't know what to do... It.... It all just.... Felt like a bad dream." Dad had already loaded my dirt bike up. I never even bothered to chain it up. Thankfully nobody stole it. My hands are shaking as I get in his truck. We were almost home when he said, "You love her, don't ya son?" I pull my stare from the window and nod. "With everything I've got." I whisper, tears rolling down my face. He hugs me. "I can't..... What... What am I gonna do?"

*A few days later*

I get to the hospital, fighting back crying from the fear of losing the girl that gives my life meaning. I get to her room and the doctor was talking about chemo and radiation treatments. "It will make you weak and nauseous the first few weeks. Throwing up is a normal side effect. It happens to everyone." "And... The l-lump?" She asks. I bite my lip, feeling hot tears prick at my eyes. "We'll do a mammogram. See how big it is then remove it before it can spread anymore." They discuss a little more then he walks out and I walk in. "Oh Jason thank goodness you're here!" She cries running to me. I hold her as tight as I can. Not wanting to let go. He mom and dad were on the couch by the window, both of them crying. Hey at least they stopped fighting. "How'd the play go?" She asks making a fake laugh escape me. She smiles but that terrified look in her eyes remains. "It wasn't nearly as good without you, girl." I say, tucking a strand of curly dirty blonde hair behind her ear. She always has a habit of keeping her hair a mess. Then I envision it all falling out. I hug her again, crying silently. "Don't leave me." I whisper too quiet for her to hear.

*The next day*

I skip last class and race to the hospital like the flash on steroids. She was listening to a song. It brought tears to my eyes. "I'm gonna love ya through it." I shakily whisper. "When you're weak, I'll be strong. When you let go, I'll hold on. When you need to cry, I swear that I'll be there to dry your eyes! When you feel lost and scared to death like you can't take one more step. Just take my hand together we can do this. I'm gonna love ya through it." I walk in and click it off. "I'll be the one you can lean on." I whisper, brushing the tears from her eyes. "I'm gonna look horrible when my hair starts falling out." "No you won't." I say, sitting beside her. "You're awesome with or without hair! You're still gonna be the girl that can make me laugh when I'm down. The girl who obsesses over the drama department. The girl who acts more like a boy but get on her bad side, you'll be pickin' bee bees out your ass for a week." She laughs slightly. "How do you do it, Jay?" "Do what?" "Make me laugh when I feel like crying?" I force a smile. "I could ask you the same thing." She starts crying again. I wrap my arms around her. "I'll always be here." I say. "Until you're back home. Picking the colors for next week's play." She laughs a tiny bit, her head against my shoulder. "I can't do this alone." "You'll never be alone." I say, holding her shoulders gently. "Never. I promise." "I'm so glad to know you Jason." I smile. "Me too, kid. Me too."

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