Chapter 2- Misdiagnosed

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Miranda's pov

I wake up with my mom standing over me and a doctor beside me. "She just had a dizzy spell. She just needs to get more sleep and to eat normally. A girl like her probably skips a meal or two." I blush, seeing Jason in the doorway, smile slightly but with a twinge of worry in his eyes. "I'm fine then." I say throwing the sheet back and attempting to stand up but I'm still dizzy. "It's probably nothing and should wear off soon."


My best friend paces my bedroom floor frustrated. "He didn't even run any tests! How do we know that's what's wrong with you?!" He gapes. I love how overprotective he is of me. "I'm fine, Jason. I feel fine." "That doctor doesn't even freakin' care!" I sigh. "Sit down and stop pacing!" I snap patting the bed. He sighs and sits on the edge of my bed. "Why're you freaking out?" He sighs. "I don't know. I've just.... I got a bad feeling. And you know me. I always go with my gut." "Well I'm fine. So stop freaking. Please for me." He smiles. "God, you're too pitiful, darlin'." He says shaking his head.

*A few days later*

I was directing last day rehearsals. "Places everyone places!" I get a text.

J: You're gonna do great tomorrow night.

I smile.

M: I hope so. Romeo and Juliet is my favorite play.

J: It's gonna be awesome.

He's always so supportive. "Ok. There we go. And action!"

Jason's pov

I was strumming on my guitar when my phone rang. "Hello?" "Is this Miranda's friend Jason?" I hear crying in the background. "Yeah. This is me. What's going on?" "Come to the hospital. Your friend really needs you right now." Then he hangs up. I stare at the phone confused, my heart racing. Why is she at the hospital?! I knew it was something worse!! "Mom!! Dad!! I'm going out!" I shout, racing to my dirt bike and driving as fast as I can. I run into her room. Her and her mother were crying together in a hug. "What's... What's going on?" I ask, out of breath. Her head shoots up. "Jason!" She whimpers crying harder. I walk over to her bed, worried out of my mind. "I.... I.... Y-You were r-right.... It was something serious." She was crying harder to where she couldn't talk. I hug her tight, worried and not knowing what's going on! "Jason, Miranda has stage 3 breast cancer." Her mom says, making every brain cell scream in horror. I stare ahead too shocked to even reply. My best friend has cancer and might die.

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