Chapter 1- Dizzy

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Miranda's pov

I get home from school and I walk in on my parents once again fighting. It seems that's all they ever do. I wonder where I could go til they calm down. I call up my closest friend, Jason. He says he'll be right over on his dirt bike. I feel a little dizzy walking outside and put a hand on the wall to steady myself. I lay on the grass and watch the clouds while I wait. "Why do they always fight?" I whisper tiredly.

Jason's pov

Man. Her parents are always fighting. I don't have a clue why they don't just get a divorce or something but all this fighting every day isn't good. I get to her house and she's asleep on the front lawn. I sigh and shake my head. "Running yourself ragged at theater again huh?" I bend down and scoop her up. "Crazy girl." I whisper, putting her on my dirt bike and driving back home. I let her sleep on the couch and watch football.

Miranda's pov

I wake up at Jason's place. His dad was reading the newspaper. I yawn and wave. "You slept a while. Been staying in the drama department too much again?" I blush. "Probably. But you know me. I've got to get ready for next week's play." "What is it this week?" "Romeo and Juliet." I say smiling. Such a romance. But also such a tragedy. He smiles. "I loved that play when I was younger." "Hey girl, you're awake!" I hear Jason say then I hear his boots on the stairs. "I musta fallen asleep again." I say embarrassed. He nods. "You were wiped out on the front lawn." I get light-headed again, seeing double. "Hey you okay?" I feel arms under my arms. "Miranda?!" I groggily open my eyes. "Oh uh... Sorry." I mumble, my head pounding. "You alright?" I nod, not sure what's going on. "Just a dizzy spell.... I'll... I'll be-" Everything darkens instantly.

Jason's pov

I scream in surprise and run to her side when she blacks out in the middle of a sentence. "Dad!" I cry. He was already on the phone, trying to call her stupid ass parents. "Call an ambulance dad!" I shout terrified. "Miranda!! Oh God wake up!" "Test ambulance is on the way!" Dad says. I lay her on the couch, terrified. She's my whole world. I love her with all my heart. What's wrong with her?! And will I ever be able to tell her how I feel?

Her Secretive RomeoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora