Chapter 22- Sick

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Jason's pov

We're finally able to both go home. I don't know if they caught the jerk but I really just want to put it behind me. I text Miranda asking where she is. I should've known she'd say she was at rehearsals for the play. I tiredly go to the school. She must be super worried. What with the big important guy coming. She had a clipboard in her hand while folks onstage were doing their lines. I noticed something off about her though. I worriedly walk over. She wasn't even looking at the stage or the clipboard. "Babe?" She doesn't move. "Miranda what's wrong?" I gasp, grabbing her shoulder. She slowly looks up, a scared look on her face. "H-Hey.... W-When did you get here?" I've been standing behind her for 5 minutes. "Honey you're scarin' me." I say, talking the clipboard from her shaking hands. "Speak to me baby. What's going on in your head?" "I.... Nothing... I'm fine." "No you ain't. Is it just the guy? Are you nervous?" She stays looking at the ground and doesn't respond. "Take 5." She whispers, still staring at the floor. "Harrison, memorize lines 10-19 for next week." I'm really worried. I gently hold her hand and walk her to her chair. "Miranda look at me." She doesn't respond. I call dad. "We've got a problem."

*A few hours later*

She still hasn't improved. She's been in and out of being aware for hours. Sometimes she can talk to us like normal. Other times she's lost in a daze. I don't know what to do or what's wrong. I worriedly pace back and forth. "Jason sit down. You're going to wear yourself out. You're supposed to be resting anyway." Mom says, a hand on my shoulder. I shake my head and continue to pace, scared. Her doctor walks out. "We're running tests but I've got no idea why she's acting like this." "Do you think it's nerves doc? Maybe she's scared about the famous Hollywood guy coming to judge her play." "Could be." He says, tapping his chin with a pen in thought. "But I don't see why she'd act like this." Suddenly I hear a bloodcurdling scream. I scream her name and run to her room. She was pulling at her hair. "Honey stop!" I cry, rushing over and grabbing her super tense hands. Her doctor appears in the doorway seconds later, her eyes were darting around the room, her arms and legs jerking. "SHE'S HAVING A SIEZURE!" He shouts rushing to the bed to stabilize her. I was shaking with fear. My heart was pounding so fast. "What the hell is going on?!" I gasp desperate and terrified.

* The next day*

The doctor got her on some kind of meds to control the siezures. I don't know why this happened to her. I'm so scared. I hope and pray she doesn't relapse. She was asleep when I came to visit. The doctor said it's best if she stayed asleep. To rest and heal up whatever was happening. They were still running tests but hadn't gotten any results yet that'd tell us anything. I leaned against the doorway, scared for my girl. I take a deep breath and steal a post it note and pen. I write a note for her and put it on her hand for when she wakes up. Then I head home and sleep.

*A few hours later*

I got back to the hospital after a much needed rest. Mom made me anyway. She was super groggy and dazed. I could tell she didn't really know what was going on. I stood in the hallway and listened to the doctor asking her questions she couldn't answer. "I don't know.... I can't.... Think." It's just like when she had cancer. She had a hard time thinking and talking. He grabbed the post it note and read it out loud for her. "Dear Miranda. You are the most beautiful angel ever and you'll be a star that'll outshine even the most southern sky. Signed your secret admirer." A dreamy smile lands on her face. She lays back down looking exhausted. "Do you know who left this letter?" The doctor asked. Now she looks confused. Which worries me. "I.... Of course I do.... I think." "Who left this note? Who's your secret admirer, Miranda?" He asks, a worry filled tone in his voice. "I....  don't know..... I... Am I supposed to know?" My jaw drops in shock. I shakily walk in. She slowly turns her head to me. "I... I s-sent it to you." I shakily say. She smiles, that dazed look still in her eyes that scares me. "Of course. I knew that. I just.... Couldn't think." She mumbles closing her eyes tired. "Miranda wake up." I gasp, sitting beside her and grabbing her shoulders. "Do you know who I am?" I shakily ask, terrified. Her mom starts crying on the other side of the bed. Her dad hugs her. She tiredly opens her eyes. "I.... I'm not sure." She mumbles. "Please... I'm so tired.... Let me sleep." My heart shatters. "It's me, Jason. You've got to remember me!!" Her mouth droops open and she's asleep. I shakily stand up. She doesn't know who I am! "Give it time for whatever this is to pass." The doctor said. "She'll remember you. I know she will. She's just confused right now. I just want to cry.

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