Chapter 40- A Decision

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Jason's pov

She looked so amazing. She looked like she was sleeping. Her hair framed her face in the prettiest way. It was her natural hair, not an annoying itchy hot wig, her hair. She died with her hair and her dignity. She went out, pain free, not suffering thanks to Hadley's pain medication. It tore me up, looking at her beautiful face, her eyes closed, her soft hands folded upon her chest. Luke wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I was on the verge of breaking down. Suddenly she sat up! "Help me!" She cried, reaching out for me. I screamed and fell back but then realized it was all in my head. She still lay there, unmoving. "What happened?" Luke asks, trying to help me stand up. I felt sick. "I.... Imagining things... I th-thought...." I shakily sat down in one of the chairs. My heart was broken and I had lost the only girl that gave my life meaning. "I don't know... What to do now?" I whisper, my whole body throbbing with pain, the pain of loss. I shakily hit my knees as her casket was lowered into the ground. "She can't be gone. It's not f-fair!! Why?! Why God why??!!" I shout, crying into my hands. My dad on one side and Luke on the other. "Let's go home, bro." I force myself to stand up, everything hurting, nothing making sense. My life has no meaning. "There are counseling options if you'd like." Hadley said when we got home. The hospice people were taking all the medical equipment out of the house. She looked genuinely upset for us and I don't know why but it gave me comfort. "Thanks for always being there for my family, Hadley. You've been a blessing." She smiles, wiping away her own tears. I stare at the ground, unsure what to do next but then I think, the show must go on. She always had quips from theater to keep me going strong. I have to keep living. As hard as it may be. "I'm going to Nashville. She would've wanted me to." The young nurse smiles and I call Mike. "The plan is still on. I'm going to become a singer because I know she wouldn't want me to give up." He says he's on his way so I get off the phone and hug my parents. "Keep watchin' award shows mom and dad. I'm going to be on them someday." I nervously walk to my room, where my still packed suitcase sat. We left California to come home. I didn't care to unpack. That suitcase has been sitting there untouched for 3 months. I shakily grabbed it and looked at myself in the mirror, reminding myself it's what she would have wanted. I have to do this for her. But I will never forget my drama nerd. I walk downstairs when I see Mike's jeep pull up in the driveway. "I'll be back for the holidays. I promise." I realized through this loss just how important family is. I'm never going to take my parents for granted again. "Don't be a stranger." I say, hugging her parents. "You're always welcome here." Her mother starts to cry and I shut my eyes to keep from crying but it doesn't work as tears slowly slip out. I look out at the rising sunrise, my body exhausted, NY mind muddled, but I have a plan. I know what I'm going to do. And I won't fail. 

Sorry its so short. 

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