thirty five

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— 3rd

everything was a blur for the young ivory haired male, his heart beating rapidly as his baby's body was placed on a stretcher.

"s-stay w-w-with me b-baby please." yoongi pleads, his voice cracking in fear when he sees how pale tae actually is.

the nurses start running, rolling the stretcher towards the emergency room with yoongi clutching tae's hand harshly.

"sir, you can't go in, i'm sorry." a nurse says softly, eyes saddening at the sight of yoongi in tears, bottom lips wobbling.

the boy chews on his bottom lip, at a loss of words to reply the nurse.
the nurse retreats back into the emergency room leaving a terror infused yoongi behind.

he finally lets out his cries, backing up into a wall behind him, yoongi slides down.
legs trembling harshly as he hands grip his hair with iron grip, stuffing his face into his knees.

*    *    *    *    *

"y-yoongs!" a voice screams, catching the attention of the ivory haired male.

he looks up, startled, with puffy eyes and tears running down his cheeks.
the boys gasp in shock at the sight of the male in that form, totally defeated.

"h-hyung." jeongguk whispers, kneeling down and sitting beside yoongi, grabbing his hand.

"i-i'm so s-scared." yoongi whispers, his throat burning from too much crying.

their hearts break at how broken the boy looked and they begin to fear for the worst.
eyes darting all around the bleach white corridor, an uneasy feeling settle in their hearts.

*    *    *    *    *

the doors of the er swing open and yoongi springs up into the air, rushing towards the doctor who looked troubled.

"i-is he o-okay? is m-my baby a-alright?" yoongi asks, eyes already brimming with tears, ready to fall out.

"mr kim is alright now." the doctor lets out a relieved sigh, seeing the faces of the young idols before him looking absolutely terrified.

"o-oh! thank you! thank you so much!" jin screams, trapping the doctor in his grasp, hugging him to death emitting laughter from everyone, including the doctor.

once released, the doctor smiles at the ready eyed ivory male to had grabbed his hand.

"t-thank you." he whispers.

"but, mr kim has been through some traumatic events and he is so utterly terrified. seeing signs of self harm, we have rang up a therapist, a highly skilled and a safe one, i assure you to have a session with him, suspecting he has depression and anxiety. so it's up to the way he feels to make contact with you." the doctor finishes, rubbing soft circles on yoongi's hand.

"c-can we see h-him, p-please?" jimin stutters, his eyes pleading sadly.

"of course." the doctor smiles warmly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i'm so sorry for not updating ):
i just wasn't happy with how the chapters that i wrote sucked, but this is decent ;-;

i really hope you like it.
thank you for reading!

—-> love y'all 💜

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