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┏━━━━━━ ⋆⋅ ➹ ⋅⋆ ━━━━━━┓'Oh, wake me up I'm dreaming

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'Oh, wake me up I'm dreaming.
Losing it all in the blink of an eye.
I'm not ready to say goodbye.'
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"Ladies and Gentlemen, District One's tributes for the 74th Annual Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favour."

Nobody clapped. Nobody knew how to react to their two tributes stood high on the stage before them. The entire of District One cherished Indiana Summers, and adored the tight-knit bond between her and Marvel, and now both of them were being tossed into the Games. Together.

Peacekeepers, dressed in white, ushered the two tributes into the Justice Building and into separate rooms, prohibiting any communication between them.

Slamming the door shut behind them, the Peacekeepers left Indiana alone with her thoughts.

"You have two minutes," a Peacekeeper pushed someone through the door.

"Jamie." Indiana whispered upon seeing her mentor and threw herself into his arms.

"Your aunt and uncle obviously can't be here to talk to you but they're waiting on the train for you." Jamie said softly, tucking a strand behind the young girl's ear.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, Jamie. I don't just mean teaching me how to fight, but teaching me how to survive. I'm just sorry I'm not going to be able to put those skills to use-." Indie rambled, already forming a plan in her head about how her Games would go.

"Indiana, listen to me. District One isn't prepared to lose either of you and we all know you'll refuse to let the other die but please, promise me that you will never give up. None of us can bear to see you give up. You have to fight."

"I'm not ready to say goodbye."

"Maybe you won't have to. Just don't give up. Even if you lose Marvel, keep fighting."

Before Indiana had the chance to tell Jamie how much she'd miss him, two Peacekeepers entered the room and dragged Jamie away, barely giving him the chance to shout a quick goodbye over his broad shoulder.

The shuffling sound of feet alerted a tearful Indiana to the fact that she had more visitors and this time she turned to face the door before it opened. A sombre Mr and Mrs Kentwell entered the room. Sobbing, Mrs Kentwell pulled Indiana in for a tight hug, crying into the girl's shoulder whilst Mr Kentwell rubbed his wife's shoulders soothingly.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to the pair of you. You were meant to grow old together." Mrs Kentwell blubbered, causing Mr Kentwell to let out a warning 'shh', attempting to silence his wife's hysterical ramblings.

Tears leaked out the side of the teenager's sad blue eyes as she looked at the couple who had contributed to her upbringing. Mr Kentwell wrapped his arms around his two girls and held them tight as they both cried.

"Now, now, Pretty Girl. Don't cry." Mr Kentwell soothed, brushing the tears away from her cheeks. "Everything's going to be fine."

"How am I supposed to say goodbye to you both? To my aunt and uncle? To Marvel?"

"Everything will be okay. We'll see you again soon." Mrs Kentwell gave her a watery smile. "Especially if Marvel has his way."

Important conversations being interrupted was beginning to grow tedious and Indiana couldn't help the sob escape her throat as Marvel's parents were shoved from the room.

"Wait, no, please. I'm not done. Five more minutes!" Indie pleaded, refusing to let go of Mrs Kentwell's hand.

"Your time is up," the Peacekeeper said in a monotone voice.

No!" The blue eyed girl screamed, her hand slipping from Mrs Kentwell's as she's pushed back into the room. "I love you!"

Tripping over the worn rug on the floor, Indiana stumbled but regained her balance as a singular Peacekeeper entered the room and announced it was time to leave before gripping her right arm tightly, escorting her out of the building.

The residents of District One were still stood in the square but now the civilians and children had merged together, families finding one another in the small moment of time the tributes were given to themselves in the Justice Building. All of them watched as the pair of tributes were marched towards the Capitol train.
Usually everyone would be cheering for the 'chosen ones' but the atmosphere was just depressing.

The sun bounced off the silver of the sleek train, blinding Indiana as she struggled to make her legs move towards it. Luckily, the grip on her arm was keeping her upright and reminding her that she had to put on a brave face. The entirety of Panem would be watching her. She could not let anyone see a sliver of weakness.

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Following the trail of voices, Indiana wandered into the dining cart and was greeted by Paloma, Gloss and Cashmere.

"Marvel's in his room. Would you like me to show you to your own?" Paloma smiled kindly at the female tribute, knowing her as the sweetheart of the Capitol.

Cashmere and Gloss were huddled together on a loveseat comforting each other. Cashmere had her head buried in her brother's chest and was attempting to muffle her sobs but the heartbreaking sound still carried to Indiana's ears. She had never heard her Aunt cry, not even when she was explaining what had happened to her parents.

Forcing a smile onto her face, the eighteen year old took up Paloma's offer of being shown to her room. Taking one last glance at her aunt and uncle, Indiana finally made eye contact with her uncle and despite the blinding smile he gave her, she could see the tear tracks on his cheeks.

"That one is yours, obviously." Paloma stood in front of a door and pointed at the one with 'District One Female' on it.

"We know you're not on the train for long but we like you to be comfortable, and be able to have a place where you can be alone and collect yourself."

"Thank you, Paloma."

"Anytime, Sweetie."

Walking down the hallway, Paloma's heels clicked along the polished floor. Waiting until the obnoxious sound had disappeared, Indiana slipped into the room that temporarily belonged to Marvel.

"Hey there, you. That was kind of a stupid thing to do."

"Not now, Indie."

"Marv, what's wrong?" Indiana questioned, her tone becoming more serious to match Marvel's own tone.

"Leave me alone, Indiana. Just go away, please." Marvel snapped, a hint of desperation in his voice.

Backing out of the room, unable to form a response, Indiana scurried into her room and collapsed onto the bed. Some part of her couldn't stop the nagging thought that Marvel was pushing her away because he had already planned to distance himself in order to make winning the Games easier.

Turning her head to the left to stare out the window, Indiana watched as District One disappeared; the last time she would get to see it and all its glory.

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'I just want a little more time.
Little more time.
Little more time.'
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