Chapter 33

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Hannibal enjoyed his lunch with Dean. It's been awhile since he's been able to have company that he felt comfortable in. Dean made him laugh in ways Will used to.
Hannibal did find himself thinking about Will more often than he would like to admit. He missed him, there was no denying it.
Hannibal wanted it to go back to how it used to be but he knew it was long gone.

-------WITH WILL-----------
Will lounged on his sofa in the living room watching brain numbing TV. He yawned and looked at his watch. It was only 2.30pm but Will hasn't slept for the past 2 nights. Recently he has been plagued with awful flash backs of what happened at the hands of his father.
He knew Hannibal had forgiven him but he couldn't bring himself to speak to him due to embarrassment. As much as he loved Hannibal he had to force himself to hate him. He needed to be alone right now.
His dogs still lay faithfully by his feet, they were always there for Will even if he had shut put those he loved.
More recently he found his mind wondering back to his mother's death and what he saw that day when he knelt beside his last family member after her viscous murder.
It still makes a shiver run down his spine. Hannibal knew about this and did what he could go to help and it worked for a while. But as soon as Will broke it of with Hannibal his mind went to the shitter. It didn't wonder around his bad memories, it ran at the head first and hit them like a bomb, littering them across his thoughts.

Will pulled out his phone and started to scroll through his Facebook. He noticed that Hannibal had been tagged in a post by some guy called Dean. He opened the post and read the text. "Had a great lunch today with Hannibal". The text was followed by a picture of Hannibal with his usual little smile and the person Will assumed to be Dean. He had a massive grin plastered on his face.
Will dropped the phone as he curled up into  a little ball, his heart aching in his chest. Tear slid silently down his cheeks, the heartbreak didn't last long, it was soon replaced with an overwhelming sense of jealousy.

Will threw his phone against the wall, he'd never felt this feeling so intensely before. He hated it but it was just something Will seemed to have no control over.
He never liked the fact that his emotions could take him over this easily. He shook his head and went to get his phone from where it landed. Will picked it up and inspected the screen. It had a crack in the glass bit otherwise it was ok. He decided he needed to clear his head and called his dofsnro go out for a walk.

He collected up the leads and a couple of tennis balls and left the house, his dogs following closely behind. As he walked down to the river he let out a breath and pulled the balls out and started throwing them for his dogs. Will watched happily as his dogs bounced and played around win suddenly one dog ran further ahead suddenly. Will was shocked but he thought nothing off it until he heard a thump and a groan. Will swore to himself before running towards the sound ready to apologise, he rounded the corner to see Besty one of his bigger dogs on top of somebody.
"Sorry!" Will called as he approached the two. He heard a familiar laugh.
"No worries, Will." The voice came, slightly muffled. "No harm done"
Will stopped in his tracks. It was Hannibal. Will moved forward and pulled Besty off Hannibal by her collar before holding out his hand to help Hannibal to his feet. Hannibal gladly took it and heaved himself up, using Will for support.
"Thank you" Hannibal chuckled. Will wasn't sure what to say, he felt the need to explain himself but through the hatred he had forced upon Hannibal, he couldn't. He simply nodded and walked on, whistling to his dogs, who can bounding towards him. They almost knocked Hannibal off his feet again but he kept his balance.

"Will!" Hannibal shouted after him. "Please talk to me" The last part was said a lot quieter than the first. Hannibal hung his head in sadness. He needed Will back. And Will knew he needed Hannibal back too.

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