Chapter 41

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*I'm the hospital with hannibal*

Hannibal felt groggy, he blinked his eyes a few time trying the adjust to the piercing light. He tried to move but all his muscles ached as if he just tried to lift a house. He didn't know where he was or why he was there.
"Hey" Hannibal felt a hand on his leg. "Don't try to sit up yet" He recognised the voice as his dads. Hannibal opened his mouth to speak but his throat was so dry, he hardly even croaked. He heard a chair move and foot steps come towards him.
"Here, drink this" his dad said while placing a straw at his lips. "Small sips"
Hannibal drank the water and it felt amazing as he swallowed. He blinked again, clearing the last of the blurriness from his eyes to see he was in pristine white room, a familiar beeping in the back ground.
A hospital. Hannibal made an internal groan. Why was he back here again, he felt like he needed his own room at this point. The thought made him chuckle slightly as he tried to push himself up before he was stopped by his dad.
"Stay still. I'll get a nurse" he smiled "please don't try to sit up" Hannibal nodded slightly and watched his dog leave the room in a hurry. Within the instant he left, Hannibal tried to sit up again. He was stiff and it was at this point he noticed he was shirtless,  a bandage wrapped around his waist holding a large piece of gauze in place.
"What?" He said out loud to himself before going to remove it. He winced slightly at the pain and I sat in stunned silence when he saw the 15 stitches in his abdomen.
"Very neat" he muttered while carefully touching the surrounding skin. He wondered what happened while he placed the bandages back on and sat all the way up. He swung his legs of the edge of the bed and began to stand. He grunted with effort before actually making it to his feet.
"Okay" he said as he went to take a  step before toppling to the floor.
"Dammit!" He groaned as pain shot through him. At that moment a man in  trench coat rounded the door and saw him sprawled on the floor.
"Well. What are you doing down there?" He asked with slight sarcasm. Hannibal didn't find him amusing but accepted the offer of help from the man. He took his hand and was pretty much pulled to his feet, he couldn't really do much to help because he leg felt like it was asleep. Transferring most of this weight onto his left leg, he looked up to the man.
"Thank you" he huffed, out of breath. He didn't take a seat yet because he was scared to move. Its one thing finding you on the floor, and its a whole norther thing actually watching you fall. So for now he stayed stood. 
"Who.... who are you?" Hannibal finally asked in a weaker voice than he had thought.
"Detective Novak" the man said simply without taking his eyes off Hannibal.
"Why are you here?" Hannibal question again, more frustrated at the man's lack of elaboration.
"Maybe its best to leave the full introductions until the nurse has taken a look at that" The detective said nodding towards the bandages that where starting to soak with blood. Hannibal looked down, and then up, and then down again as he watched the red spot grow bigger. He had torn a stitch or two in the fall.
"Oh. Yeah" Hannibal said as he felt himself falling towards the detective

Hello. Bit of a filler because I wanted to make you wait and see what was happening with Will. What can I say except your welcome!

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