Chapter 44

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Will awoke with several officers and a paramedic surrounding him.
"Try not to get up mate, you passed out and I need to check that you are ok" the paramedic said while strapping a blood pressure cuff to his arm. Will didnt move, he just stared at the ceiling as the cuff squeezed his arm.
He looked to the paramedic who frowned a little at the readings.
"Its a bit low..."
"I'm fine" Will interrupted before pushing himself to the sitting position. "I need to find the detective" Will stood on unsteady feet, wobbling slightly as he straightened. A cop and the paramedic moved to his side quickly to try assist him but he shrugged them off then staggered out of the room. The deceive was talking to Jack when Will found them. He decided to ignore all niceties and marched straight up to the two men ready to demand to know what was going on.
"Tell me what happened!" He asked, interuppting them. "Who do you think it was?"
The two gave him concerned look.
"Are you sure your supposed to be up?" Jack asked. Will glared at him.
"I'm not talking to you" he said matter of factivly. "I haven't seen you since you vanished. I asked him" Will said pointing in the general direction of Novak, who just stood there with a shocked look on his face.
" I might need you to sit down for this" Jack tried to continue but Will wasn't having it. He didn't want to know what Jack had to say about the matter. Intact he had started to tube him out so all he really heard was a garbled mess of words. Will eyes where kept on Novak, waiting for an answer. When Novak finally reliesed that Will was stubborn enough to wait for hours for a reply, he sighed wiping his hand down his face, putting his other on Wills shoulder. He started to lead Will back to his own bedroom and sat him down on the edge of the bed. He then got down on this knees infront of the boy.

"The thing is" he rubbed the back of his neck "There were no signs of breakin here." Will was stunned at this.
"No locks where broken or jimmied and no window was put through. There was no way for someone to get in from  outside" Will didn't reply.
"I'm really not sure what you heard but it wasn't here. Perhaps the TV was on or..."
"I KNOW WHAT I HEARD!" Will interrupted and jumped to his feet. "You heard it too!" Will last referring to the phone call from earlier.
"Will." Novak sighed "How do I know that that banging wasn't you. And that you are very good and faking emotions"

Will wanted to argue but he knew it would do no good of there was no physical evidence, he just didn't want to believe it was his imagination. He walked out of the room. Still wobbly from earlier and tried to go down the steps. But he stumbled and nearly took them head first if the paramedic from earlier didn't catch him just in time.
"Let me help you, and then get you in the back of the ambulance so I can look you over again" he gave a warm small. Will agreed as he linked arms with the paramedic and they walked down the stairs and out the door together.

Once they where situated in the back of the ambulance the paramedic introduced himself as James as he pulled a blanket onto Will. James wrapped the blood pressure cuff around his arm and the pulse oxi meter on the end of his finger.
"Your heart rate is all over the place" James frowned. "We are going to have to get you in for the doctors to take a look at you. Is that ok?" Will nodded, still trying to figure out what he had heard. What sent his dogs mad?

James knocked on the sliding glass window between the back and the driver seat and it slid open. A rather grumpy old man was at the other side of it. James spoke to the man quietly and he simply nodded and the engine started.
"I didn't know there was someone there" Will said pulling at the blanket.
"Its ok. He doesn't really work close to patients" James said, strapping himself in. "Not a people person, you see"
Will let out a small smile as he left back on the stretcher and tried to relax.

They arrived at the hospital and Will was brought by James into the Accident and Emergency department on the stretcher. He spoke quickly with the nurses and Will was whisked off the a cubical. On the short journey there, they passed x-ray as someone he recognised was wheeled out on a bed.

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