Chapter 24

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Will wasn't sure what was going on. All he knew was that he was hit over the head with something hard and he was in a dark confined place. Will dug through his pockets to try and find his phone to call for help because he knew he wasn't at home anymore but he was unsuccessful. He lifted his head to see if he could make out where he was but when he did, his head hit the top of the space and resulted in his head hurting harder. When he tried to call out for help he found that he voice was weak and his throat was dry so all that came out was a ruff grunt. His hands and his feet where bound with a ruff rope which had started to cut into his skin.

Will took several deep breaths to try and calm himself when suddenly he was jolted upwards as if he was picked up and dropped. It was at this point when he finally put together the pieces of where he was. He was trapped in a trunk. As he moved around to try and find something to get himself out he felt the car jolt to a stop and the door open and slam shut behind itself. He didn't know what to do, in the end he started to panic, more so when he heard foot prints approaching the back of the car. When the boot swung open, a big calloused hand went straight over his mouth preventing him from screaming. The other was holding a big bat which was once again antiquated to Wills head and before he knew it he had blacked out.

Will once again woke up, but this time in an upright position on an old wooden chair in a dark, damp smelling room. "Hello?!" He called out into the darkness, there was no answer. Will strained his eyes as much as he could to try get them to adjust to the darkness which engulfed the room but to no avail. He sat on the uncomfortable seat for hours before anybody came in the room. He heard a loud screech which would have been caused by a rusting metal door when it was pushed open and the sound of rubber boot soles against the cold concrete beneath them. "Hello?!" Will once again called, louder than last time which caused his head to pound and his eyes feel heavy. 

He got no reply but a small light got flicked on which illuminated a small circle around Will, you know like those times you see people being kidnapped in movies and they can only see about a foot in front of themselves. He didn't know why but Will automatically said "Bit cliche isn't it?" This comment was met with a quiet deep laugh and the dumping of a heavy bag in the corner of the room. Will gulped slightly and said nothing more because he didn't want to in rage his captor. any further than his previous comment did. The person moved again, this time closer so Will could make out the outline of a person in the shadows. The person just sat there, Will wasn't sure whether they are looking at him or not but he was still frozen to the spot.

It was quite a while before the figure moved again, this time though, he moved towards the light even further and Will tried to concentrate on his features to make out his face. Will felt his throat tighten and blood drain from his face when he saw the familiar jawline and dark sunken eyes. "Dad?" He wanted to shout out but his voice failed him. All he could manage was a weak "Why?" As tears fell down his face and dripped onto his mucky trousers.

"You know I was always jealous with the way your mother doted on you. Always Little Will, never me" he growled "You were always better than me and our mother never let me be that special to her" Lucas slammed his hand on a metal table near to him, making Will jump. "oh yeah, because you were father of the year and clearly in line for the worlds best husband" Will shouted, confidence filling him "You beat her and abused me. She let you get away with it for a while but finally after seeing sense she kicked you out" Will took a breathe "And I was glad" Will snapped.

His father raised his arm and Will felt a sting a it came into contact with his face. He didn't cry or scream he just stared blankly into his fathers eyes. "You had something to do with me being cast out and I know It, you are the worst son I have ever had" Will laughed a little at this but instantly shut up when he relised what he had done "Whats so funny boy?" Will shrugged not answering. He had decided that his father was no longer worth the breath. Lucas swung for Will once again, this time with a fist. Will couldn't help but wimper when he felt his nose crack under the force of the fist. "Who on earth would want to reproduce with you in your state" Will said, spitting out the blood that poured into his mouth from his nose. Lucas clearly didn't understand what he meant which made Will smirk. "You said 'you are the worst son I have ever had'" Will imitated his fathers voice, making him even more red faced and angry. 

Will didn't say anything else, he knew his father wasn't the smartest in the world but he wasn't overly thick. His father hadn't moved for 5 minutes and Will was getting concerned with this because he wasn't sure how he was going to lash out. Anger and annoyance seemed to literally seep from him and suddenly he moved raising his leg and swiftly kicked Will in the stomach, making the chair fall back, crushing Wills hands under his own weight. As the chair falls Will smashes his head on the concrete below and falls out of consciousness and into darkness.



1.1K READS (23/07/17) Thank you guys. I really appreciate this and it makes my day

Any who... What do you think will happen next? How long do you think until they find Will? 

Cheerio Kiddos


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