Chapter 23

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Jack Crawford was called pretty much immediately and he was at the house within the next hour. Dr Lector answered the door to him while Mrs Lector and Hannibal sat trying to calm Will down. "It's got to be my dad" He kept mumbling "That explains my dogs behavior from the past few days and why I saw him at my old house" Hannibal squeezed Will's shoulder while his mum sat with a worried look whispering comforting things to the panicking boy. Hannibal felt sympathy for the boy but at the same time he felt that Will  was being paranoid about the whole thing. Hannibal decided to keep things quiet and talk to him about it when this madness was over.

Jack came to Will and pulled up the shaking boy by the arm and lead him to another part of the house before returning to the others in the house. "Will seems very frazzled about the whole thing" Jack said somewhat quietly "We do not believe there is any reason for concern but for the next 48 hours I will be having a uniform outside your house to keep an eye out for Mr Graham" The Lectors nodded, trusting Jack to do his job. "You should go and see Will, Hannibal" Dr Lector said giving his son a small push "Maybe you could talk some sense into him" Hannibal nodded leaving Dr and Mrs Lector downstairs with Agent Crawford. "Dr Lector, I would advise you to give me a call if you find anything else off with Will" The agent said as he picked u his coat and the cameras which were now in an evidence bag.

They nodded and thanked Jack before showing him out. Meanwhile upstairs Hannibal was sat on the bed next to Will, who was currently face down with his face in the pillow. Will clearly didn't want to speak about anything, which kind of annoyed Hannibal because he thought that was what they were supposed to do in a relationship. "Will, you HAVE to speak to me about this" Hannibal said with a slight begging in his voice hoping Will would share with him. "Please. I need to know and you are beginning to get mopey and its annoying as hell" Hannibal  had started to raise his voice now. Will continued to ignore him, Hannibal just stood up in frustration storming out of the room not wanting to say another in word so he does not make the situation worse. 

Hannibal returned to the room an hour later to see that Will had left. He sighed and climbed intro bed to go to sleep. At this moment in time he really couldn't care less where he had gone. He did feel a little bit of regret after snapping at Will but he was being difficult. 

-----------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP--------------------------------------------------------------

Hannibal awoke the next morning to see that Will still had not returned to his bed. As he pulled himself up with his hair sticking out at odd angles he wondered why Will had not come back. Hannibal walked to Wills old room and knocked, hoping that Will was in there but he wasn't. Hannibal did start to worry after this point so he went downstairs and called out his name. He walked in to the kitchen where he was greeted by the dogs and as he stood up from petting them he noticed Wills laptop sat on the outside table. He assumed Will had gone back out to work but when he walked around the shed, Will wasn't there. However, he did find something. When he opened the laptop a word document opened up and it had a note on it:

Hello Lector Household,

You have been so happy to take in my child after the "incident" with my ex-wife. Now he is coming back with me because it is where he belongs. By the time you have seen this, we will most likely be miles from here and you will never see each other again.

Many thanks for the hospitality you have provided for Will, but he is MINE now, 

Lucas Graham

Hannibal felt sick, numb, angry and he felt grief all in one go. He slammed the laptop shut before running into the house calling for his parents. By the time they got downstairs Hannibal had reread the note at least 10 times and he was on the verge of tears. "Whats going on Hannibal" his mother asked as Hannibal shoved the laptop towards the pair and his dad spun it around to see the screen. Within seconds they were on the phone yet again to Jack Crawford explaining what is going on. Hannibal struggled to stay calm, he had lost his boyfriend who was in pain and worst of all, he would not be able to help him. "I should have stopped this" He mumbled as he sat back down on the table which sat in the pristine kitchen.

"No son" Dr Lector said "Do not do this to yourself. There was nothing you could do" Hannibal shrugged the hand that had been placed on his shoulder off. He clearly was not in the mood for the comfort so his dad withdrew his hand and simply sat next to him instead. To Hannibal it felt like hours before the FBI arrived at the door and he was at it as soon as it knocked, swinging it open "You have to find him" he half shouted, his voice breaking slightly. "You know we will try, Hannibal" Hannibal laughed slightly at this. "Try is not good enough!" He definitely shouted this time because Jack looked taken back and he heard his mother gasp in the background. 

"I'm gong to let you get away with that sort behavior this time around but if you continue to shout at me Mr Lector, you will no longer be allowed anywhere near the information we will collect about the whereabouts of Will" Jack said getting in Hannibal's face to intimidate him. It did work and Hannibal just nodded, not sure what else to say. He just sat down in the kitchen once more while the sounds of the agents people while they searched for evidence in the house was drowned out by thought of what he could have done to save Will. It was at this point he let the tears stain his cheeks as he set his head on the table, his breathing ragged as he sobbed for his boyfriend.


Thank you all once again for your ongoing reads. I really appreciate it.

Next time will be with Will and his father. Trust e ts not going to be nice at all

Cheerio Kiddos


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