Chapter 43

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*Back at Will's House*

"P...Please..." Will stuttered into the phone as someone started banging on the door to the bathroom, making the dogs bark and growl at the unseen man. Will cried, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know how far away the Detective was, he didn't know if he was going to live through this.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he climbed into the bath knowing it was vain attempt to protect him from the inevitable. The banging continued as he cried into a towel near by, there was no point in him stifling his cries because the person obviously already knew where he was and being quiet wasn't going to stop him breaking the door down and doing unspeakable things.

Then the banging stopped, Will forced himself to be quiet and shushed the dogs too. There was no sound coming from the other side of the door. Frozen with fear, he didn't move from hi spot and just waited, listening intently for anything. Any sign of movement that told him the man had left or was just stood outside the door, taking a break from his relentless beating and hammering. It was silent for what seemed like forever when Will heard a crash as the front door was smashed in and there was shouting downstairs.

"POLICE!" It was the detective. Will let out a sigh of relief but he still couldn't move, he still didn't want to go outside just in case it was someone else wanting to harm him. He knew he was just being paranoid and it made him jump when his dogs started barking and scratching at the door wanting to be let out. Suddenly the door handle rattled.

"Will? Are you in there?" Detective Novaks voice was muffled thought the door. "Are you safe?" he continued "Stand back, I'm going to kick the door down" Will simply whimpered in reply as he started to try kick the door down, the banging resumed making the dogs move away from the door and with three hard kicks, Cas was in the bathroom and rushing over to make sure Will was ok.

It was the most concerned Will had seen Novak, ever. He moved his head round, felt his ribs and other bones to make sure nothing was broken. "Ok, your fine, you just need to step out of the bathtub." Novak said finally after he had thoroughly searched for injury. At the point Will could hear sirens outside from other police cars the detective must have called for backup.

Will didn't move, even when Novak offered his hand to help the boy. Detective Novak could see he was pale and shaking, tears still fell down his cheeks. So instead of waiting for him to move, he scooped him up like a baby and carried him form the bath into a bedroom. The detective placed him on the bed as the dogs stood by closely watching what he was doing, they looked like they where ready to pounce if the detective hurt him in any way. 'They must be reeled up from what happened' The detective thought when he took a passing glance at them after putting Will down.

"What happened?" He asked pulling one of the blankets on the bed over Will in an effort to comfort him. Will swallowed hard.

"I was sat downstairs, just sat and the dogs wanted to go outside, so I stood up and unlocked the backdoor deciding this was it for the night before I shut up for the night and just chilled" Will let out a shaky breath and continued "I stood at the door waiting for them to run around a bit and do their business and then noticed they were acting strange towards the back of the garden, but I couldn't see it"

The detective was taking notes as Will spoke. "And then what happened?"

"Well, they started coming back to the door growling and barking. I did really think much of it, so I called them back inside and locked the door behind us before sitting on the sofa when I noticed the dogs hadn't moved from the door and where still quietly growling" Will jumped at the thought of the banging on the door and his breathing started to quicken. "And...And then wh...when the door started b...banging" Will took a quick breath. "I ran upstairs taking, taking the dogs with me" Will started shaking violently, he seemed to jump every now and again as he recalled the story, this was him reliving the event but Novak didn't know it. He just looked at the boy with concern and sympathy. Will breathing was erratic at the point.

"Will" Novak said as his placed a hand on his shoulder. "Will!" Now fully looking the panicking boy in his eyes. "Remember what I said last time, breathe".

Wil was having a really hard time focussing on him and his vision had started going black. The last thing he fully saw, other than the Detective soundlessly saying words, was Jack Crawford.

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