Chapter 10

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AN. I know right, two updates in one day. What can i say, Im just that fantastic

Please enjoy...

When they returned to school on the Monday, Will found that people have began to avoid him. He didn't really care, he actually proffered it. Less human contact. Will bruises were still prominent on his face and stitches were still healing, so he wasn't a very pretty sight to see. Hannibal followed Will into their form room where they took their usual seats at the back of the class. To both Will and Hannibal's surprise, Liam didn't show up to form. Just before the first bell went, Mr Headwich showed p at the door requesting to speak to Will outside. Will stood up reluctantly and gave a quicker glance towards to Hannibal who gave a slight nod in return. Will stepped out the classroom and shut the door behind him.

"Will, we are going to put you into seclusion today" Mr Headwich aid, Will didn't reply. Mr Headwich sighed but continued talking anyway. "AS you could probably guess this punishment is because of your behavior before half term. You will not be going to any of your lessons today and you will spend both break and lunch in my office" Will nodded, and went back into the classroom to collect his bags. "What was that about, Will? Where are you going?" questioned Hannibal as Will approached him to grab his worn out backpack from its place under the desk.

"I'm in seclusion for the day and i have to spend my lunch in Headwich's office" Will moaned. Hannibal nodded and gave a sympathetic smile "It wasn't your fault, Will"

"I know" He said as he slung his bag over his shoulder and followed Mr Headwich down stairs and across site to the seclusion room. Will felt so embarrassed to walk in and find he would be spending the day with five kids of various ages, non of which older than 15. He took out his pencil case, water bottle and some books before handing his bag over to Mr Littletree, who would be watching the students in seclusion till break when he will swap with another teacher. Will was shocked when he didn't get requested to hand in his phone, but also grateful because he could still text Hannibal to keep himself occupied.

Hannibal was shocked to say the least when Will had told him that he was being punished for protecting himself and fighting back in defense of some idiots actions towards him. Hannibal was free for the rest of the day today because teachers had gone on a trip with the younger years, so he decided when the bell went he would go straight outside and round to the window of seclusion, he knew there was no camera there and he wanted to see if he could talk to Will. As soon as the bell rang, Hannibal sprang from his seat and dropped his book and work on the teachers desk before practically flying round the school to the window. To Hannibal's luck he found that the window was slightly opened. He knelt under the window and pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to text Will.

H- Outside


H-Im outside the window. Is the teacher there?


W- No hes left to get printing.

With that last text Hannibal stood up, unlatched the window from the outside which was pretty easy to do, and flung his leather satchel before jumping through silently himself. he immediately moved towards Wills desk before ducking underneath a nearby by table in the corner of the room. "Hannibal, What are you doing. You will get into trouble" Will half whispered to the boy under the desk. "I'm not letting you spend the day in here alone for something you did to save yourself" Will gave a small smile."But what if you get caught? They will go hell for leather on your ass and you'll be in here with me too" Hannibal looked at Will with a still confusion. "You are more worried about me getting into trouble than you getting into more trouble for talking to me?" Will nodded.

"That's just how i am. Always have been unable to sympathize for myself, especially hen others are involved" Before Hannibal could speak again, Mr Littletree came back into the room holding a stack of papers and a coffee mug with black coffee in it. He seemed oblivious to the fact that Hannibal was in the room and just sat at his desk. He began marking some of his lessons work. Hannibal moved slightly so he could guarantee he would not be seen and stayed there till break, when Mr Littletree left. Hannibal gave Will a nod before jumping back out he window.

Hannibal came back after break and then again after lunch bu never got to speak to Will. It was too risky to text because the teacher had begun to walk around the room. at the end of the day Hannibal met will outside the common room and offered him a lift home and Will was very happy to say yes. He was feeling so drained, even though he was sat in a room all day. Hannibal tried to bring up the conversation they had about Will and him having a lot of empathy, but Will kept avoiding the subject. Will clambered out of the car only to be met by flashing light and a police officer walking towards him. Hannibal got out the drivers side of his car, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Whats going on? That's my house" Will asked the officer, worry pressing through his body. "You Will Graham?" He asked, his gruff voice making it sound like he was mumbling. Will just nodded unsure what to say in this current situation. Hannibal was now by his side looking at the officer. "Is your mother..." he stopped to consult the paper in his hand before continuing "Claire Graham?" The officer looked to Will for an answer, but Hannibal answered for him "Yes it is, what happened?" Will looked at the officers pitiful face. "Will, I'm sorry but..."



Once again i would like to thank all of you for your continued support and i hope you are enjoying the story so far.

Cheerio Kiddos

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