Chapter 11

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  "Is your mother..." he stopped to consult the paper in his hand before continuing "Claire Graham?" The officer looked to Will for an answer, but Hannibal answered for him "Yes it is, what happened?" Will looked at the officers pitiful face. "Will, I'm sorry but..."  

As the officer finished his sentence Will went numb. "We found her body. Shes dead" The words played over and over in Wills head as he tried to comprehend what was going on. Hannibal's mouth opened slightly in shock. Will began to run, he couldn't stop himself, he had to see his mother. "WILL!" Hannibal shouted running behind him, trying to stop him before seeing something that would likely scar him for life. Hannibal couldn't get to Will fast enough and will barged through the door and the police officers. Will stopped before the sight of his dead mother. there was so much blood. This wasn't accidental this was murder. Everything went quiet as they looked at the young boy, staring at the horror show. Will zoned out suddenly and everything went backwards for him, all the police left the room and all the blood soaked back into his mother.

She raised up and began to run backwards screaming. Suddenly everything started to get moving again properly but everything looked a lot different. Will was holding a brick, sneaking into the kitchen behind his mum who was cooking what looked like eggs. She turned just as Will brought down the brick. Blood splatted into his face and the wall. She fell to the floor and Will jumped onto her and hit her again. this time Will felt something hit him and he fell to the ground off his mother. he jumped right back up and grabbed a knife and chased his mother out of the room and catching her in the hall way. "I stab her the the back of the neck, cutting into the spinal cord. She will live for an extra 20 seconds before becoming paralyzed and bleeding to death" He said as he watched his own mother falling to the floor "This is my design"

Suddenly Will bounced back out of hit to Hannibal trying to get his attention. "Will, please look at me" Will looked at Hannibal who had his hands on his shoulders, clearly trying to shake him out of what ever happened. Wills eye became blurry and he blinked and tears fell. He wiped them away, trying not to fell it but when Hannibal brought him in for a comforting hug he just fell apart. Sobbing into Hannibal's shirt, they both fell to the floor and Hannibal held Will tighter while Will held on to Hannibal like  a life line. The police officer they talked to early knelt by Hannibal "We have to get forensics in, you need to leave" Hannibal nodded and gave the officer his address before picking Will up of the floor and walking him back to his car.

They drove in silence, Will still had tears down his face when they arrived at Hannibal's house. He didn't remember much of that night after Hannibal helped him into clean clothes and gave him his bed for the night. Hannibal sat in a chair he had put by the bed all night, watching over Will as he slept fitfully. 


Its a shorty i know but it still took two hours!!!

Thank you again

Cheerio kiddos

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