Chapter 48

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Dean and Will returned to the large empty house, dumping the snacks in the kitchen and going towards the living room. Dean and Will were bombarded by his dogs, Dean laughed and tried his best to stroke them all before Will let them out into the garden. Dean followed the dogs, seemingly entranced and Will smiled at this. He bent down to grab their water and food bowls for refilling and watched out the window as Dean and the dogs played. When they were done Will took his place on the sofa as Dean popped in a movie, Will didn't know what he had brought but recognised it immediately as a marvel film. The dogs all settled around the sofa they were sat on and went to sleep. They sat and watched Captain America: The Winter Solider as they worked through a large bag of popcorn and a bottle of Coca Cola between them. Dean slowly moved his arm around Will, trying to make it look smooth, and Will snuggled into his side, truly happy. 

When the film finished, it was dark outside and Dean had offered to cook some dinner. 

"I really don't have much in, in the way of food" Will was trying to think about his barely stocked cupboard and fridge that had a bottle of out of date milk, wondering what Dean could make. 

"That's ok, I brought stuff for burgers" Dean smiled and left the room towards the kitchen. Will followed and sat on the breakfast counter, watching Dean get to work on the food, peeling potatoes' for chips and adding various spices to mince meat. Will had offered to help but Dean refused, he wanted to make something nice for Will and his words where "The man makes the first dinner" Will laughed at the implication, knowing Dean didn't mean anything by it. 

While Dean was crushing together he asked Will to stir the potato's while they par-boiled in the pan.

"Oh, I'm allowed to help now, am I?" Will smirked as he rolled up the sleeves to his blue button down. Dean let out a snort. 

"I wouldn't really call it help. You are stirring potatoes in water..." Will stuck his tongue out at Dean and made his way to the pot. The rest of the cooking session was a mix between comfortable silence and friendly banter. 

After the food was cooked, Dean served them both and moved to the table in the kitchen where they both ate happily, by now it was half eight at night so Will, who wanted an early night, said he was going up for a shower before bed. Dean  nodded and watched him go before loading the dishwasher, a look of satisfaction on this face. He liked it when he could make people happy with his food, not many people believed him when he said he liked to cook. After a few minutes Dean also went upstairs and emptied his bag onto Wills bed, pulling out the towel, shower gel and his toothbrush that he had brought and pulled out his phone to kill the time till Will was done. 

After about ten minutes. Will came out of the shower with pj pants on and a towel placed over his shoulders, catching the drips of water from his hair. Dean stood up and silently took over the bathroom. It never takes him too long to sower and was out in only ten minutes to Wills 20. He had the towel wrapped around his waist and his clothes in his arms. Will looked up from the book he started reading while waiting and couldn't help but stare. Dean had muscles. His stomach was toned and his biceps where bulging more than before. He laughed a bit when he noticed Will staring and he turned to drop his towel and pull on his boxers. But before he could pull on his boxers, he felt a hand on his shoulders.

It was obviously Will, exploring the large shoulders as much as he could, Dean turned around , stark naked and pulled him in for a kiss. This kiss was soft and careful, but Will was feeling impatient, it had been so long. So he deepened the kiss.

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