Chapter 20

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They decided against going out and just spent the day in Wills room getting to know each other better (If you know what i mean ;) )

Will awoke early the next morning and noticed he seemed to be stuck in an uncomfortable position. When he did manage to turn, he noticed it was Hannibal holding him. Will stared taking in the view he had seen before, Hannibal was so relaxed and care free. Will wriggled his way out of Hannibal's vice like grip, his mind filling with memories from the night before. he stretched and let out a satisfied sigh before leaving his room to get a wash. Silently he walked down stairs to greet his dogs like he always used to when his mother was around and his life was somewhat happy. Will decided to take his dogs out and go for a run, he knew this would make him feel better about certain situations and events that are currently happening around him.

Will grabbed the leads and unlocked the door and slipped out, locking it behind him. He slipped his keys and phone into the pockets of his shorts which he had put  on prior to leaving and began to jog down the road. He wanted to go home but he knew he had to avoid it for not only his safety but for Hannibal's well being too. He didn't know how his dad would react is he went up to him and said 'Oh hey Dad, who probably killed my mother, did you know that i am sleeping with a lad I go to school with?' 

He pushed all thoughts to the back of his mind and just focused on the sound of his feet hitting the concrete as his dogs ran by his side.

*Back at the Lector Household*

Hannibal rolled over and let out a moan as he stretched out and felt for Will. After finding him not there, he got up and hopped in the shower to refresh himself. Hannibal stepped out of the steamy room and back into his own room where he dressed in slacks and smart shirt before going downstairs to make breakfast. He found a note on the counter in the kitchen by the sink which was from his parents. They were going out of town on a work emergency and had transferred them both some money for the time being. Hannibal sighed, he missed the amount of time they used to spend as a family, now they are constantly working. he didn't mind that much now that he had Will around but he still missed them. 

Hannibal noticed the lack of dogs and his boyfriend and just assumed that they had gone out for a walk. He took his breakfast and sat in the living room and switched n the news before settling in for a while to wait for Will to get back home. About and hour later, Hannibal heard the front door open followed by a frantic tapping against the tiles in the hallway, notifying him that the dogs and Will were home. 

Hannibal smiled slightly before getting up greet them. However before he could even step out of the room he was bombarded by dogs which took him by surprise so he tumbled to the ground with a soft thud as he hit the carpet. He heard Will laughing as he tried his best to get u without the dogs pushing him back down and licking him intensely. 

"Little help here, Will" he gasped as Winston jumped onto his chest and winded him slightly. Will laughed even harder but let out a short whistle and the dogs dispersed in their separate directions. Will held out a hand for Hannibal to grab but he didn't take. "I am not going to touch you in any way until you get a shower." He smiled. Will looked down at himself. It was only then he saw he hadn't got a shirt on and that he was slick with sweat from his run. Will agreed and left for a shower. 

"Dress somewhat decent, we are shopping today" Hannibal shouted after him. He got a slight groan in return followed by a "Feed my dogs, pretty please" Hannibal smirked before going into the kitchen and filling up the dog bowls with food.4

------------------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------------------------

They were walking hand in hand around a furniture store looking at a range of beds. "remind me again why we are here Hannibal" Will said while trying to figure out why one bed costs more than the other yet they both looked to be exactly the same. "I am redecorating our room" Will stopped staring and the beds and moved his attention to Hannibal. "What do you mean OUR room?" Hannibal gave a short laugh. "I have decided that we will be sleeping the the same room, the same bed for that matter" 

"But what will your parents think?" Will wondered out loud. "It's my room and I can do what I want with it" he said "I like this bed, what do you think?" Hannibal said while going to sit on a mattress which was on top of a gorgeous dark wood frame. "I think its nice..." Will said with a hesitant pause unsure of what else to say about some wood with a mattress. Hannibal smiled. "Go and pick out the colours for our room while I finish up here" Will nodded and left Hannibal to find some paint. He wasn't sure what to pick because he knew Hannibal would want it to be perfect so he picked out and off white colour and a pale blue. "hopefully he'll like it" Will said out loud while navigating his way back to where he left Hannibal. Hannibal had decided he liked it so he bought matching bedding and they paid and went home for a long day of decorating their new room.


Sorry. This was a bit of a filler.


Cherio Kiddos

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