The words hurt even me, how could a father do that to his children? I watched Vic tense up and his grip dig into the steering wheel. I didn't know what else to say.

"Thank you for letting us stay with you, even if you didn't want us to." He spat out.

"It's no problem. I'm glad that you guys came to avoid that." I was happy that I, at least, helped them stay away from their father.

"Thanks." He went back to steering and then something popped into my head.

"So does that mean, that when I was home all those times that he was messing with you guys?" He nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. If I would have known I would have let you guys stayed over regardless." I started to cry.

"No, it's okay. You didn't know. We were fine, it was just the one day." I kind of figured he was lying. He had a bruise on his jaw.

"Okay." I plainly said.

He continued to drive and I just stared at my surroundings. I didn't want to listen to music that much anymore. We were coming up to an exit and Vic turned into eat. He pulled up to a Sonic and ordered him and Mike a Sonicburger with Strawberry milkshakes. I ordered some chicken strips with a Dr. Pepper. Vic offered to pay, but I declined his offer. After we paid, and got our food, he drove to get some more gas. He went in to pay and grabbed some more Monsters.

When we were back on the road, I had finished my food and was getting sleepy. I put my trash by my feet and laid on the window. I watched the road and yellow lines that ran along it. I wanted to stay up with Vic a while longer, I felt bad he was driving while me and Mike slept. I would have offered, but I doubt that I could stay awake. I was right, I ended up drifting off to sleep.

**Vic's P.O.V**

Kellin just went to sleep again and I mentally cursed myself. I told him what my dad did, he'll probably just judge and feel sorry for me. I don't want his sympathy. I look over at him, he's sleeping and still cuddled up with his mom's scarf.

There's only at least 30 more miles or so until we get there. I've been waiting for this. Maybe Kellin will see that I'm a really nice guy. I take out my phone and decide to text them.

'We're nearly there 30 more miles.'

'Good. I'm still awake. Can't wait.'

That's good. Now all I have to do is stay awake for a few more minutes. I reach into the cup holder and pull out one of my Monsters. I can only drink 3 in 24 hours, this will be my 3rd.

As we get closer and closer the more anxious I am to get there. We're 15 minutes from the house and I can't wait. I take out my phone and call for directions.

"Hey, so I'm on the highway by a Mazzio's."

'Okay, now take a left and then a right on Cherry Street.'

I do as he says.

"I'm on Cherry Street."

'There should be a 4-way stop. Turn on the one that says Wilson Lane.'

I turned down Wilson Lane and keep driving.

"Now what?"

'I'm outside waiting.'

I look around and see him. I hang up and pull up in the driveway. He comes over to the door and I open it.

"Hey." I put out my hand to shake his, but he hugs me instead. I hesitated before hugging back and then pulling away.

"I'm sorry. I'm just excited it's been soo long. I'm glad you guys came. Come on in the house." He ushered for me to come.

I pick up Kellin and bring him in, laying him on the couch and going back to get Mike. I laid Mike on another couch so Kellin wouldn't hurt him. I looked over at him and he was smiling and couldn't keep still.

"He's going to be super excited. I can't wait. Now come on, I'll show you to your rooms." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

"You have an awesome big house."

"Thank you." He smiled back at me. "This is your room, or your brother's whichever. Kellin can sleep in the room with me, I have bunk beds. And there's another room for you or your brother." He led me into the rooms, they were vaguely big.

"Thanks." I went downstairs and carried Mike to one of the rooms. Next I went down for Kellin but he stopped me.

"Let's let him stay down here. He'll probably freak out in the morning and we can watch." He had an evil smirk.

"Good idea." We went back up the stairs.

I stayed up all night talking to him, he didn't seem to be sleepy and I wasn't either. I had 3 Monsters and I was perfectly fine, except that my bladder was now constantly full. I went to the bathroom at least 20 times within the hour. He laughed everytime I had to go, I would roll my eyes and hit him playfully on the arm.

"We have a huge day ahead of us, I'm not even tired. I'm just ready to start the day." He said when I came back.

The sun was beginning to rise and he was jumping up and down on his knees. He was sitting in the middle of his bed and I was sitting on the floor. We had been talking for most of the night. It was 4 in the morning when we got here, now it was nearly 7.

"I know, this is going to be awesome. I can't wait either." He smiled and jumped more on the bed. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Not at all, go ahead." He urged.

"Do you know how I can win over Kellin?"

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now