Chapter 26

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"Dating someone?" I was now pissed.

"Kellin, don't." He warned.

"No, you're dating someone, why didn't you tell me?" He seemed to be getting mad too.

"Because you wouldn't talk to me. This whole trip, you've blown me off like I was nothing. You even told me you hated me!" He screamed. I did tell him that, but I only meant it in the heat of the moment.

"But you told me you wanted to be with me." I could feel my body weakening.

"Yes, I did. But that was before you told me you couldn't love m, before you told me you hated me." And with that he left.

I laid back down on the bed and started to cry. Tyler came in, comforting me. He'd kiss me and try to make me feel better, but the only kisses I wanted were Vic's. I cried into Tyler's chest until I succumbed in sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Vic had left already. He went to band practice with Mike. They were going on tour in a few more days. Tyler said that we would get free tickets to go, but I couldn't. Thanksgiving was coming up and his mom was already getting things.

I stayed for a while longer than I should have. I told them I was going to go home but they insisted me to stay. I told my dad to send me some money so I could buy some new clothes. He didn't mind, he sent the money in a card and wrote an apology. Me and Tyler went shopping with Mike, they helped me buy some clothes when I couldn't afford anymore.


The day Vic and Mike left for tour, they came bye and told us goodbye. Vic introduced me to Jonny, who he was dating. It was nice to meet him, I was happy that he found someone who could truly love him. They gave us tickets and backstage passes to all of their concerts. They even got Tyler and Mike an interview with a recording label.

I went with them to the meeting and they got signed. They named their band issues, because that's what their music would mostly deal with. They started writing music instantly and recording songs they already had. We went to the studio everyday, I loved listening to their music.

Me and Tyler had officially dropped out of school, since we hadn't been going. Michael graduated, he was a year older than us. We didn't mind, they even invited me to be a part of the band. I had opened up and sung to them and they wanted me in. I refused, I didn't want to get famous or anything from them. Plus, I still wanted to be a detective or private investigator.

-Time Elapse: Christmas, 1 month has passed-

Tyler and I have gotten closer than ever, we go an apartment together. He was hardly at home though, they were always in the studio. I got a job working part time at a clothing store. I like working, I didn't mind it, it relaxed me.

"Hey Kellin." Tyler said as he and Mike walked into the store.

"Hey guys, what's up?" They came over to me and we all kissed.

Now before you judge, we all are friends. We all are comfortable with each other and don't mind. Me and Tyler kissed before, and Mike had no problem with it. One day when Tyler was gone, Mike was there to comfort me and I liked having him around. I was comfortable with him now enough to kiss him.

"Nothing much. What time you get off?" Mike asked.

"Uh, 6. Why?" They smiled at each other.

"We want to take you somewhere." Tyler nudged me and I got scared.

"Where? I don't think I want to go." I jumped to conclusions.

"But you don't know where, and plus it'll be soo much fun." Mike begged.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now