Chapter 14

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They're all lying. I just fucking saw her. I can't help but to run, but where can I go? When I get to the top of the stairwell, I stop. I have no reason to keep running, no one followed me. I can't go home, I have no other place to stay. I think I'm just gonna go to class.

I catch my breath and go back the stairs to my first period. I walk in and I'm late, the bell had rung when I was running. I close the door and go sit down, the teacher didn't say anything. I go to my desk and pay attention to what she's saying.

She's talking about our project for thanksgiving, but I can't really focus. I lay my head down, it doesn't help. She didn't ask me to sit up, so I laid there. I sit up though, and take my phone out.

'Mom, can you come pick me up? I want to move in with you.'

I sit back and wait for a response. After 30 minutes, I text her again. Why isn't she answering my text?

'Mom, are you still at the house? I can help you pack if you want?'

Twenty minutes later. No reply.

'Why are you ignoring me?'


'Can you just come and get me?'

The bell rings and I put my phone away. I pick up my backpack and head out the door to my next class. I walk through the halls and hear hushed whispers. I look around and saw that people were staring at me. I put my head down and continued to walk down the halls. I reached Mr. Collins class and went straight to my seat, he didn't say anything to me.

He sat at his desk while I sat at mine, students began piling in the classroom. Justin came over to his seat, which was beside mine. He didn't say anything to me, thank God. I took out my phone and started to text my mom again.

'Hey, I'm in second period. Could you please come get me and take me with you?'

I don't know why she continues to ignore my texts. Mr. Collins read off the roll call when the bell rang, and explained the work we would do today. It called for partners, I didn't want a partner so I stayed in my seat. I laid my head down and right now, I just want to go to sleep. I closed my eyes and tried.

I was tapped on my shoulder, I ignored it. I didn't want to be bothered, maybe they would go away. They tapped me again, I raised up to see Mr. Collins. He bent down next to me and sighed.

"Kellin, you uh, want to talk?"

"About what?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

"This morning." He pointed out.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I didn't. Nothing happened this morning.

"Kellin, the police still need to talk to you." He whispered.

"About what? I did nothing wrong." I didn't do anything wrong, why do they need to talk to me?

"You can't do this to yourself." He yelled in a whispering voice.

"Mr. Collins, I don't know what you mean." What the hell is he talking about.

"Kellin, she's in a better place, you can't hold on to her." He touched my hand.

I snatched my hand away. "What are you talking about?"

"Karen was a good woman, okay? She's in a better place and she loved you." I started to shake my head.

"Leave me alone." I didn't want to hear this.


"Leave me the fuck alone. She's not dead." I screamed.

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