Chapter 45

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Where do thing go from here? I mean it couldn't get worse but I don't think it could get better. Everything is happening so fast and I'm scared. Why can't we just stop and slow down for a second.

I want to back out and just start all over. I've probably made the worst mistake possible, but I don't regret it. I tried to keep myself from getting close. I guess since I couldn't this is what happens.

"I love you." Vic whispered into my ear.

We had been lying in bed all day. It was Thursday and I was exhausted. School wasn't that bad, it was just a bunch of work.

"I love you too." I turned over into his chest.

He held me close, the heat from his body radiating around us. I couldn't get enough of laying in his chest, it was magical.

"Do you still want to go to Tyler's today?" We planned on having a big dinner and everything with them. We were going to celebrate, but I don't think I was up for it.

"Why can't we just stay here? I like being this way better." I whispered into his chest.

"Whatever you want." He kissed my forehead and kept his long, muscular arms wrapped around me.

I looked around the room we had been decorating. Four whole months of decorating. Vic had let me paint the walls a neutral yellow. I loved coming in here, it made everything better.

"I love being at home." I sighed.

"I love being with you." Vic replied. Of course I blushed, how could I not. "You know, I think we should go to Tyler's. It'll be fun."

"Do we have to?" I whined.

"No, but I think you should celebrate though." He picked up my hand and entangled our fingers. He started to twirl around the ring that rested on my finger.

"I thought we were going to celebrate when we go to California tomorrow." I pointed out. I rolled over and onto him, resting my head on his chest.

"We are. Twice as much celebrating." He laughed.

It was fun having him laugh with me on his chest. As he laughed I bounced to the rising of his chest.

"Fine, we can go." I really didn't want to go.

I'd grown so use o being with Vic all the time I didn't want to be with anyone else.

"Okay. Now, you go shower and I'll go make breakfast." He rubbed my back with his hand.

"Okay." I rolled off of him so we both could get up.

"Hey." He called back. I smiled and went back over to him, giving him a kiss.

"Sorry." I said in between our lips. He smiled and laid his forehead against mine.

"It's fine." He was just adoring and I loved him.

Yes you heard right Kellin Quinn loves Vic Fuentes. He grabbed my hand and wanted to get back in the bed.

"If I get back in that bed I'm never getting up." I warned him.

"Fine." I slowly let go of his hand. Our hands sliding apart and dropping down as I walked away.

I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I heard him go into the kitchen and make a mess. I knew he was already going to make one with the way the pans made noises.

I laughed at him as I climbed in the shower. I took off the scarf and ring, setting them on the counter. I got back under the water, putting my hair under first.

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