Chapter 11

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I got home and found both Mike and Vic waiting outside the door. Mike hit Vic in the chest and pointed to me. They both smiled as I got closer to the house.

"What?" They still smiled and it creeped me out.

"Nothing." Mike said.

I took my key from my pocket and opened the door. They went straight into the living room and I went upstairs. I dropped my backpack on the floor by my door and grabbed my laptop. I jogged back downstairs and went into the kitchen. I logged in and clicked my Skype application. I took out my phone and texted the one person I needed most in this moment.

'Get on Skype. I need to talk.'

I waited for them to text back but instead the light flickered green by their name. Online. I clicked their name and began to call them.

"Kellin. What's been up?"

"Nothing. It's just I've been going through some things."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute. I got to go get my headphones." I was about to get up when his mom called out.

"Hey Kellin honey, how is everything?"

"Everything's great Mrs. Carter. How are things with you?"

"Just fine. Tyler can be a pain in the butt, but I have to put up with him for just a few more months." She teased as she messed up his hair.

"I love you too, mom!" He told her, she reached down and kissed his cheek.

"Tell your mom I said 'Hi.' Bye sweetie."

"Bye bye." I waved at her and she walked away. "I'll be back." I stood up and ran to get my headphones.

I walked into the room and noticed Vic was sitting at the foot of my bed. I ignored his presence and got my headphones from my backpack. When I was getting ready to leave he stood up. I didn't think anything of it and I left and went back to the kitchen and plugged in my headphones.


"Okay. And sorry for my mom. You know how she is."

"Yeah." I laughed.

"So what's been up?"

"Well I can't really talk too loud. I have guest over." I warned.

"Ohh, well type in what happened." He was always thinking.

I typed it all in, from everything my mom told me and then all the things about Vic. I didn't hold anything back.

"Kellin, I'm soo sorry. I wish I could be there for you."

"I do too. Tyler I miss you being here. I don't have anyone to talk to, or anything. I just wish you could come back." I felt suckish. I had him as a friend for only a year and then he moved. He's probably the only friend I ever had or will have.

"You know I could come down for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Which would you prefer?"

"Please Thanksgiving. You must. It's not that far away and I really need someone to talk to. You can stay here with me."

He laughed. "Sure thing."

"I think I'm going to stay here anyways. I don't want to leave after what happened today. I think I wanna see how everything plays out." I told him.

I did want to see how things between me and Vic would go. No, we are not dating or anything but I know he might like me.

"But remember you turn 18 in a few months and we can move in together."

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