Chapter 29

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"Vic, I can't." I saw him frown. I couldn't go on tour with him.

"Why not? I love you. I'll take care of you and it'll be fun." He assured me.

"Vic, I can't. That's just too much. I can't." I felt bad.

"This is still about your mom isn't it?" I didn't reply. "Fuck, Kellin what do I have to do to show you that that won't happen?" I shrugged. "Fine." He stormed out of my room and I heard the front door slam.

I shuttered at the sound if the door closing. I looked at my wet and sticky body and felt disgusted. I felt used all over again, like back in high school. I got into my bed and began to rock slowly. I could still feel the pain pulsing through me.

I looked down at my naked body, I was sticky and sweaty. I carried myself to the bathroom and ran some water. I took off my scarf and climbed into the tub, soaking my body in the warm water.

I closed my eyes and laid back against the frame of the tub. Silence ate away at me until I heard Tyler come in. I didn't want to talk to him, but he didn't seem to care. He went into my room, calling my name, I didn't answer. He opened the bathroom door and saw me in the tub.

"What's wrong?" He dropped to his knees and brushed back my hair.

"It's nothing." I told him as I faked a smile.

"Kellin, come on. You can tell me." He kissed my cheek and took my hand.

"It's just-." I let out a deep breath. "Me and Vic went out on our date and I invited him in. He had told me how he felt and I told him most of how I felt about him." I began to choke back the tears. "We ended up having sex, and he wanted me to come on your with him."

I turned over into Tyler's arms, I was getting him wet, he didn't seem to mind. I cried more and more as he said it would be okay.

"That's not too bad Kellin. You can go have fun and tour with them and see Vic everyday." I cried harder when he said his name.

"No, I can't." I told him.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I told him I couldn't. He got mad and stormed out." He shushed me and patted my back as I cried more.

"Let's get you out the tub, and get you in some clothes. You can sleep with me and Mike tonight, okay?" I nodded and dried my eyes.

He stood up and held the towel open for me. He helped me wrap it around my waist and led me to my room. He waited outside the door for me to get some clothes on. When I finished, I tied the scarf around my wrist before I went out the door. I looked for Tyler, he and Mike were on the couch. Tyler opened up his arms and I went into them.

"Don't worry Kellin, you don't have to worry about him. We're here for you." Mike said as he tousled my hair and kissed the top of my head.

"Thanks." I smiled at them both.

I ended up going to sleep right in Tyler's arms and I didn't mind. I really wish I knew what to do about Vic.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

I was furious with him. I've been patient with him and waited for him. I've proven to him that I care about him. Does he honestly not like me? I should have known better. Never again will I fall for his innocent trap.

When I left Kellin's apartment, I went to the guys' old house. They still owned it, but we all go a new one together. I went there because I had to be alone. I still had the key, I let myself in. I went straight towards the kitchen. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and went to sit on the couch.

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