Chapter 25

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I laid in bed, not wanting to get up. Vic and Tyler had been mean to me and talked about me. They don't understand anything. I took out my phone and started to listen to music. I did this all day and ignored Tyler whenever he came in to apologize or something.

I kept this up for days, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Rebecca would come in and lay down with me. She even went to sleep with me, she was the only sense of comfort I got. When she left to go to a friend's house or wherever, I would miss her.

Eight days had gone by since I tried to see my mom. I hardly left, Rebecca brought me food so I wouldn't have to see Vic or Tyler. Tyler got his boyfriend to come and talk to me, but I didn't listen to him either. They checked up on me everyday, asking me to go with them somewhere, I refused.

Some of the days I was alone, I wasn't myself. I couldn't focus, I just kept seeing images of her. Whenever I looked in the mirror, I would see her beautiful face. I didn't want to live without her, and it haunts me. It haunts me that I have to live without her.

I thought about doing things to get rid of the pain but I couldn't. She would be mad if I ever tried to do something like that. I pushed the thought away and tried to think of something else. I knew she liked my singing. Maybe if I sang she would come and get me.

I didn't know what song to sing though. I went through our playlist and picked out her most favorite songs. They were mostly All Time Low songs, I started to sing. The first song that I sung was Therapy. I began to cry as I reached the part she loved most. She would sing it to me whenever it came.

"Arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to, they're better off without you."

She knew I didn't have any friends at school other than Tyler. But since he moved, she would tell me it was okay. That I didn't need friends to be happy and that all the love I needed she would provide. But I needed to meet her halfway and love myself.

I laid back on the floor and continued to sing the song.

**Tyler's P.O.V.**

Kellin has trapped himself in my room for the past days. He doesn't talk to anyone but spends the most time with Rebecca. Vic hasn't been home either, he goes to play in his band to avoid Kellin. Whenever I try to talk to him about everything he blows me off. Him and Kellin both, well Kellin just listens to music and ignores me.

They only have a few more days here and I've been trying to get them to talk. Vic's been busy with the band, him and Mike. They had a meeting with the record company and they got signed. They're trying to make some more songs, and they are headlining some tours.

I'm happy for them, but I just don't want to deal with Kellin alone. He doesn't cooperate well when he's upset. He shuts down and escapes into his own little world.

"Why won't you help me talk to him?" I asked Vic when he got back from band practice.

"He doesn't want to talk to me. He hates me remember?" I think back to the day Kellin stormed in on our conversation.

"That doesn't matter. He still might listen to you." I pleaded.

"No, I think we should just leave him be. He's been quiet and hasn't tried to kill himself yet." He brushed it off.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"Besides, I'm going on tour in a few days. I can't be here to help." He took out his phone and started texting.

"So soon? You have to tell him. He has to know that you're leaving. He'll probably listen to you then." I suggested.

"It's not that simple with Kellin." He debated. "Kellin didn't even want to talk about himself when I told him what my dad did."

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