Chapter 52

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I knew what I was capable of, but I don't remember doing that. Tyler had told me that I tried to drown myself. Now call me crazy, but I don't remember doing that. I know I wanted to see Vic, but I didn't know I would that way.

Tyler says that when I'm cleared, we're going to see Vic. I'm ready to go see him, I've missed him. I've been asking Tyler questions and he just ignores them. I tried to call Mike, but he isn't picking up. Is today ignore Kellin day, because it's fucking annoying.

"Kellin, you're clear to go." The doctor told me and turned his attention to Tyler. "Is he going to be in your custody when he leaves?"

"Yes. I'll keep a close eye on him." Tyler promised.

"Okay. So we're going to need you to sign his papers saying that you're liable to take care of him and for and keep him from, doing things" he whispered the last part.

"Okay." He took Tyler into the hall and left me alone.

Did they really fear me doing something bad to myself? I laid back in the bed and looked up to the ceiling. I wanted to be wrapped in Vic's arms and in his embrace.

I wanted to know that he was home and it was for good. I started to play with my fingers as I waited. I was anxious to go meet him, hopefully he won't be mad. I know I told him I would go home, but I don't really remember how I got there.

Tyler came in the door and grabbed some things. "Let's go." He said impatiently.

"We got to wait for the nurses and doctors to get this out my arm." I pointed to the IV and other things stuck to my body.

He groaned and went to the door. "Can I have a nurse please?" He asked and one came to the door immediately.

She started working on the things, taking them off me. When she finished she asked was there anything else needed to be done, and Tyler told her no. She waited a while before leaving and he handed me new clothes. He had my damp ones in a plastic bag in his hand.

I got dressed in a hurry, trying to go as fast as I could. I was ready see Vic and just kiss him and for him to hold me. When I finished, Tyler and I went to the parking lot. I got in his car and waited for him as he put my things in the back.

He started the car and we were off. He didn't say nearly 2 words to me which was odd. I looked at him and he would occasionally glance back. But when I smiled, he held a look of disgust.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" He shouted. "You almost fucking died is what's wrong. Why? Why didn't you just come and see me?" He asked, looking from me to the street.

"I wanted to see Vic." I started.

"Oh, you wanted to see Vic. Well news flash Kellin, Vic isn't dead. You tried to kill yourself." He pointed out.

"But I saw him. I just I wanted to be with him." I grew silent as I felt my eyes water.

"You don't think. You just do all these things and don't think of anyone else. You're just being selfish." He scolded.

I looked down at my wrist, wanting to tug at the scarf. It was missing and I began to freak out.

"What now?" He asked.

"Where's my scarf? Where's my scarf!" I screamed.

"In the bag back there." He said calmly.

I tried to slow down my breathing and reached for the bag. I got it and reached in for my scarf. I got it and tied it on and I felt everything was okay.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें